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Himalayan Times — 1962

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October 7, 1962 Himalayan Iiass



New Delhi; October 1

Talks witt China in
Peking would Lot be.
affected by the latest
development* in NEFA.
Thii w&b made clear by
Mr. Nehru immediately
after he returned home

Reacting strongly to
a reporter's rjueatim in
this regard the Prime
Minuter declared w:;b
vehemence: I shall a.ways
be prepared for talks
whattvtr happtns. provi-
ded they are decent I
have never refused to tc!k
to anybody.

He was less empha-
tic, however, while ans-
wering the question whe-
ther the talks would it!
fact begin on th6 ap-
pointed day. ' I cannot
say. It depends on *t
least two parties'' he
pointed out.

Earlier, Mr. Nehru
told his impromptuf tar-
mac PreBB conference at
Palam that bo did not
like the developments in
NEFA but wouici like to
find out the lattst posi-
tion before commenting
on it.

He expressed his ina-
bility to "eDter the Cbi°
uese mine" when asked

about the possible motive
behind China's aggressive
action across the Macula-
hon Line.

The Government of
India has kdged ''an
emphatic protest" with
China against the recent
"unpnvoktd ageression
and wanton attack" by
China on the Oho'a pat-
rol p st in NEFA which
resulted in injury to three
Indian soldiers.

In a Note to the
Chinese Government on
fceptember 21 and released
today the Government of
India demanded that "the
intruding Chinese troops
should stop their provo-
cative activities and with-
draw immediately into
Chinese territory".

Along with this latest
"■-'ote, the Government of
India today also released
two other Nott3—one
from China dated Septem-
ber 16 charging India
with intrusion into what
is claimed as Chinese ter-
ritory in the NEFA area
and the other, the Indian
reply dated September 17,
categorically rejecting the
oharge as ''baseless."

The Government of
India in its Note of Sep-
tember 17 said: "It ia

not tthe lad sn aide test
is creating tension ia thr;
border ares which has
been psseefoi ail along.
Reports received by thi
Government of Icdia rrina
itJ local authorities indi-
cate that it ic the Chinese
who had been attempting
•ince tae beginning at
S 'Tflbsr to cress tbs
in. tiana! boundary,
int. j into Indian terri-
tory and to create teamen,
in this border region,
Kbinzemane to which the
Chinese Note refers, is
indisputably Indian ter-

The Indian Note we r-
ned the Chinese that "the
Government of India wiii
hold the UhineBe Govern-
ment responsible for any
untoward incident that
may occur due to tho
failure of the Chinese
authorities to restrain
their forces from crossing
the border and attempl.
ing to intrude into Indian
territory in this region".


Notice is hereby given
that Phillip Crotty of
Kureeong is applying to
the Secretary to the Go-
vernment of India in the
Ministry of Home Affairs
for naturalisation, acid
that any parson who
knows any re^eon why
naturalisation should not
be granted should send
a written signed state-
ment of the facts to t'aa
said StcreSery.