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Himalayan Times — 1962

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vol. xvi OCTOBER 14, 1S62. no, !x


in the eastern sector cf
the Sino-Indian border.

Chinese Intruders Resume Attack Tha Chinese Foreiga

Ministry's Note was defi-

New Delhi, October 11. vered to the Indian Em-

basey in Peking. It wag

Indian troops in the began some lime later, broadcast by the official

Dhola area of NEFA, the lasted until late on Wed- New China News Agency.

Boene of the latest Chinese nesday morning. „ . ,6

intrusion into Indian ter- rv f„r tj,B mo»t im- u. t j- 0 6j *jla" f

, tc j it y the Indian side does not

ntory, nave suffered 17 nortant if distressing • j- . i . 1

if... c uurtaui, u uisiressing, immediately stop armed

ca.iralt... as a resu t of statement made by the atlack8 „*, kPe OD

by a Chinese attack on was that the lntruding Wood.fod the Chin«M ride

"our po.it.OD' yesterday. Chinese troop, were "rein- wj„ eure,y act Ieaolutel

An offioial spokesman forcing their pott in our in self-defence and the

of the External Affairs area • Indian Government must

Miniatry was unable to This was tbe first bear the full responsibility

say whether the Indian reference to the fact that for all the consequences",

cusualtie? include any the Chinese have estab- n,. , , .

death. But he declared li.h.d a military post in ,, . Lhlnai.I8'"? ohfge°

that the Chinese casualties NEFA, south of the Thag- •DB,t InaiaD plane

iil ii i j iT'.i j »l bad flown over Lhasa on

ware "heavier la ridge, whioh is the W A A

Until late tonight there Indo-Tibetan boundary in e ne< ay-

was no information whe- the regiOD. Peking Radio said in

ther the fighting in the With the resumption a Japanese ianguage broad-

area, during which the of the Chinese attack in cast that the P'111"3 left

intruding Cbinesa troops the NEFA area, it is clear towards the direction of

have been using two.inoh that China has no inten Indla. after esrcliDg over

mortars, automatic wea- tion of terminating itb an a>rfield in the area,

pons and grenades, bad illegal intrusion into NEFA " Ba,d ttB Plana uew

subsided or was continuing. which must take place over Lhasa at 8-16 p.m.

The 11-day lull in beforB any with 00 Wednesday,

the area was broken late China uan st»rt-

on Tuesday night by the In a protest Note to HINDI BOOKS

Chinese. A Chinese sentry India China today accused AVAILABLE AT

threw a hand grenade at Indian troop, of "launch- _.„,, „

oDe of the Indian posts. ing new armed attaoks' niMAt-AlAW -lUKiib,

" Heavy firing" whioh againat Chinese soldiers kalimpong.

Annua! Rs. 6/-

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