Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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October 28, 1962

Himalayan Tiir.es



Public Meeting at Kalimpong

Kalimpong, October 25

At a mammoth public
meeting held here yester-
day, t-peakers condemned
the Chinese aggression and
supported the policy of
the government of Ii,dia.
The meeting which wns
presided cv--r by Sri ika
Ham Sharma was attended
by people of all walks of
life. H unoreds of Tibetans
also attended the meeting
which was addressed by
Sri P. R. Pradhan, Kazi
L. D. Dorjee, Vikshu San-
gharaksh.ta, Sri K. C.
Banthia, and others.

The following resolu-
tion was unanimously
adopted by the meeting.
"This meeting of the citi-
zens of Kalimpong ex-
presses its strong protest
against the aggression on
our Motherland by the
Chinese intruders and
pledges it whole hearted
and all out support, moral
& material, to the govern-
ment of India. It further
expresses iis appreciation
of the action of the go-
vernment of India in ta-
king up the present line
of action and calls upon
the citizens to muster
strong till the invaders
are driven out of our soil".
It also appealed the busi-
ness community not to

raise the prices of essen-
tial commodities.

An anti Chinese ag
gresiion Committee was
also formed in the meet-
ing with thirteen members.

. The Committee held
its first meeting today
and deoided to raise funds
for the Jawans and has
also drawn up a five point
programme which includes
forraatiou of vigilance par-
ties and to check rise in

All contributions will
be gratefully received by
Sri M. P. Gupta & Sri
P. R Pradhan the joint
Secretaries of the com-


Kalimp nig, Oct 25
The Chitiese residents
ol Kaiimpong and the
refugees in a meet ng held
here today, condemnad
the naked aggression by
the Communist China on
Indian soil. In a resolu-
tion adopted the Chinese
expressed their solid de-
termination to drive out
the intruders aud pledged
this willingness to sacrifice
tor the Laud.

Darjeeling, Oct. 26

The All-India Gorans-
League at a crowded pub-
lic meeting at Darjeeiing
on Monday pledged its
unqualified support to the
Government in any action
it took to eject the ag-

The League's General
Secretary Sri Deo Prakash
Kai. M.L.A. said his party
had in the past differed
with the Congress, but in
context of the present
crisis, his party would
support the Government
wholeheartedly to ensure
the country's defence.

He also urged the
Government to raise a
militia in the border arena.


Offers are invited and
will be received by tho
Director of Cinchona,
West Bengal, P. O. Mung-
poo. (Darjeeling) upto
November 15, 1962 for
the purchase of about
5R0 Kg. of stripB of 30
gunge Tinoed sheota of
size 5" x 30'', S" X 30'',
2''x2S" & i" approxi-
mately. Intending puroha.
sers may inspect the
materials at the offioo of
the Quinologist to the
Govt, of West Bengal,
Govt. Quinine Faotory,
Mungpoo (Darjeeling) on
any working day during
working hours.