Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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Himalayan Times

December 9, 1963


(Continued from pag« 6 )
or ooramiasion on the part
of tba contraotor, or his
employees in connection
with the work.

The contractor will
have to Hke full respon-
sibility os the labourers
that will be employed
by hirn and that he shall
be responsible for any
accident oocuring to tbem
during execution of the

The tender should
reach the Manager, Govt.
Cinchona Plantation, Lai-
panohor on or before the
18th Deceinbt-r, la62
(within office hours).

The undersigned is
not bound to accept the
lowest or any tunrier.

Govt. Cinchona Plantation,

Kurseong P 0.

Dist Darjeeling.

Tenders in sealed co-
vers, superscribed 'Kiiur"
are invited by the Ma.ua
ger, Government Cinchona
Plantation, Latpanchor,
Kurseong P. 0., District
Darjeeling on behalf of
the Governor of West
Bengal for the supply of
H70 quintals (1000 mds.
approx.) of Khur (thatch
gra-s; to Government Cin-
chona Plantation, Latpan-
chor and should reach him
on or before 18th Decem-
ber, 1962 (within office

hours1. The rate quoted
should be inolusiv > of all
charges (i.e. charges for
carriage upto Latpanchor,
weighing etc.) The supply
ib to be oompleted by
28th February '63.

The Khur should be
dry and mature and sample
should be submitted along
with ;he tender.

Filach tender should
be accompanied with Ear-
n«et Money of Re. 50/-
in cash. The approved
tenderer will have to exe-
cute a contract in proper
form and deposit security
Money to the extent of
10% of lbs accepted rate
in the Treasury challan
within fifteen days after
acceptance of the tender If
the tenderer whoso tender
has been accepted, fails
to comply with the con-
ditions mentioned above,
the Earnest Money is lia-
ble to be forfeited to Go-
vernment. The Seourity
Money deposited by con-
tractor is liable to be
forfeited, wholly or par.
tially. if Government suf-
fers «ny loss due to neg-
ligence or acts of emission
or commission on the part
of the contractor, or his
employees in connection
the with work.

The ooutractor will
have to take full respon.
sibility of the labourers
thst will be employeed
by him and that he shell
be responsible for sry
aocideht oocuring to them

during execution of the

The undersigned is not
bound to accept the lowest
or any tender.

Govt. Cinchona Plantation,
P. O. Kurseong,
Dist Darjeeling,

Tenders in sea'ed co-
vers, superscribed "Dhuka
house REPArsiyG" are
invited by the Manager,
Government Cinchona
Plantation, Latpauchor,
Kursecng P. 0. Dist. Dar-
jeeling on b;ha!f of the
Governor of West Bengal
for repairing mazioors and
staff houses in the Lat-
panchor and Sittong Di-
visions of the Latpanchor
Plantation Rates should
be separately quoted for
each item. The repairing
of Dhura house should be
completed within two
months of the date of accep-
tance of the tender.

The ceiling of the
rates to be quoted are
indicated below against
each item. Rates higher
than the ceiling rates will
not be considered.

Details of repair* will
be available fur inspection
in the office of the Ma-
nager, Government Cin-
chona Plantation, Latpan.
cbor. Materials e.g. 'Khuti1
(Posts), Bo!o: (Beams),
'Para', 'Garalo', 'Velshi'
( Continued on page. 11 )