Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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December 9, 1352 KirEiilajar:



Siliguri, Dec. 6

Mammoth Meeting at ftalimpong The.management and

v ,. ,i . the labourers of the tea-

rvaiimpontr, Dcceaibir a i < < v .t. t> i

1 gardens of -North Bengal

,i „ ■ ,. • , are responding to the call

Jney cams...... way i-mxreency: with a jewel- * »u - ,

,, i ■ ■ ■ - ! . of the country veiv fa-

saw......they conquer d 1 like ciiruy he espiamea . , ,' * .

..... ,' t i* „■ . r ... voiirabiy and are comma

1 his was now one iili what was our position. j . «.••> '•' -i.

, , ., . .1 , forward to heip the war

when one viewed the mam- now it st^ ;d tod; v. ana .-r i »

„ ., . . ... i , • . efforts m all possible

moth assembly a: the what, in nis con.,:..'.-red —, T -r

, r, , J. ,r ,. ■ ■' .., , ,. ivavs. 1 lis Inuian lea

Mela Ground in Halim- opinion, t;ie future could o- " . > < ■ i i

... , ., . ' , . , c „ Fian'ers' Association, Jai-

pona. presided over by pos.-ib y boa tor ub. He ... -I ■

L . e., f, r, ,, ™ J > i . . ,. c pilgiiri has premised to

Sn M. K. Pradhan Chair- deplored slovenliness of g * . J, , a■

■nan Ka.impong Maine,. bought or accon. It,a of Rs. g Ukbs 't0 tbe

pality, when Genera Uart- huge audience reaoted . .. , r, ,. t> /

' *' . , . , S u j. , . . .\ational Defence Fuuu

appa. accompanied by delightedly and entnnmas- j, \«ociatio.« will e'sn

Professor Dilip Cnakra- ticaliy. and when Sho ,' " °V> „ .'

. oi ■ t »-. r- i i . i .i . donate Rs. 2.5U.0UOevery

rorty. fchn Jatin siitra Genara shouted thai; ior .. I. ; . . f

- A . „ , ,. veer till the fighting with

oi the Chinese Agsression one bullet we receive we •, ,,, . fc S

r, . . n- ■ '•• 'ii . H< Chinese continues.

Resistance Urganisatiou, snail return ten, a spun- . c ., . ,

. ... '.v . i I r Most of til tea.gardens

Eind other ;jtaiwar;ii ci the taneous outourat of ap- ^ . r-

.. j n i i „ i- . ■ i- 01 the SillL'u.i terai area

Congrettf and (jurkha plause greeteti him. , , * . ,

t i7 . ,. 1 r huve also dona! (-a one

League from Darjeehng, ii wa,greatly tnet:,.,a- day's wagea. The labour,

arrived to address them. ,j,g t0 wit*eM our Ka- „, of tea-gardens are

The Mela Ground was hoi pong people...si,at large rendering free services to

packed to oyeriiosvi.if;, number who U&vv decided ,.|le m;;jtarv jn loadiua

and one notice;! a goodly to -fay ou a-.ul s-* things ,ui<j unioadihs operations"

number of ex-servicemen, through, wihlK- and liap T.i.P.A.' Li'Ci the

whose eyes glistened with pily shauting in gleethiir T P.a. Siliguri have made

pleasure as they watched. ' Jai Hind " And, when arrari^eoientti to star! a

and listened to, their b«- the G neral picked up in canteen to supply tea free

loved former Commandrr- his arms a psritctsii.r'y of coei to the Jawane.

in-Cbief And, what a. grubby smali boy, who

figure he preaunte.I! And Uistily ehonted V.ci Hitid," GIFTS FOR JAV/ANS

i.ow the v«st crovd took •.<•« ali i'ei; sure of 'wo Kaiinspor.g, {)ec 5

him to their hearts as things......thit the foil- firTiet-lu-v Red

he pick";; up one of our thr-iased "Jiii Hu.ii' nni»t wj|i he p-iean-a to

g ubby Kalimpon ■ "brats'' h-re n hear i in Sa'ini rive aifiH of Wooj.

end smo here' hi? small La, and. secondly, Iha! 1} «,k». Muaaiinw <">»»"•'-

tody with a huge guiaiid ! General Curiapj-a had t...,_ gj,,,, )'|^vir

With military preci- '0 s;a- '".!"'" r e''r,s Towels, Bi-enitf; Lu.r4.ei'

don, the General outlined of the peopWef K»liiupoag. ..:c, for t'ne U-ncfil o

what h- conaidered was Sri !). P. Rai «fc Indian Jftwana f'fthtin

me duly of every citizen T. Maneai? also addressed in tfc» Icy coin

in this uatioual hour ; f ib>- gttht-ring. hifataUyr.*.

