Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Himalayan Times — 1962

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December 16, 1962

Himalayan Times



Sri Shenoi Explains Measures
Kurseong, December 14.

Response, from the
:eitizoua of Darjeeling to
| recruit themselves as
I Wardens end volunc ers
| for the civil defence work
has been overwhelming,
reflecting their supreme
cnniidence to throv; the
aggressors out, said Sri
B. V. Shenoi, Civil Defence
Controller, Siliguri, in a
talk broad.ast from Rur
seong Station of All India

He edded that the
morale of the people of
Darjeeling was high and
there was really no panio
amongst the people. " ! here
is no doubt that they
I will be able to defend
our frontiers very success-
fully and drive the ag-
gressors out", he said.

Expressing the hope
that "there is no likeli-
hood whatsoever ol city
air raid" by the aggres-
sors, Hri Shenoi said.
"But we would be wise
to hope for the best only
after preparing for the
wont. Civil defence is
self-confidence. Proper
training of civil popula-
tion in first aid, i.re-
fighting, rescue work, wel-
fare and other services
would infuse confidence
in them so that the}' can

stand any emergency. It
will also demonstrate the
people's strength to the
aggressor and render his
efforts fruitless''.

Sri Shenoi was of the
opinion that, an important
obj ct of the organisation
of Civil Defence was to
dispel panic and tram the
people in discipline to
meet any contingency with
firmness and confidence.
••'Without >uch training',
he added, '''baseless panic
may cause more worse
than aggressor's action
itself .

Sri Shenoi said, ''China
has bitten our hand ux-
tended in friendship and
has launched an aggies-
sion on our country. Our
Armed Forces ehali defi-
nitely throw back the in-
vaders, but we. the civilion
population abo should
t'-.ke certain defence mea-
sures to :-hc\r to theag-
gi-sstrs that we Indians
are disciplined and united
people capable of defend-
ing our borders and our

Continued from column 3
been "suitably buried at
a place 20 metres north
of th& Chidong bridge over
the- renchiapaui river."

New Delhi, Deo. 12

Brigadier Hosniar Singh
was killed and buried by
the Chinese in the Kameng
Division of NEFA after
the cease-fire started on
November 21.

Disclosing this, a spokes»
man of the External Affairs
Ministry 6aid the Indian
Government was making-,
inquiries about the place
of his burial.

He could not throw
any iight on how and
where, Brigadier Singh
was killed. Asked if any
inquiry was being made,
he *aidr ''Let us first of
all find out where he lies
hurried. We oan then find
out bow he was killed."

The information that
Brigadier Singh had been
"shot' had been brought
by stragglers with whom
"he presumably was."

On the night of De-
cember S Feking Radio
h.-id announced the burial
of Brigadier Singh, giving
the Chinese version of how
he died. "The body of
Brigadier Singh, Com.
mnder of the (i2nc) Indian
Infantry Brigade. cas
discovered by the Chinese
frontier guards in the
field after repulsing Indian
attacks "

Tiie body, the an-
nouncement added, had

Continued on column .2