The table given below is of publications cited in this work in an abbreviated form, which contain no
illustrations, and therefore are not to be found in the Index of Publications.
Amelung, Fuhrer:
Ann. Rep. Mus. F. A:
Arndt, Studien:
Babeion, Guide:
B. P. W.:
Brunn, K.G.:
Bull. d. Inst.:
Fuhrer durch die Antiken in Florenz.
Annual Reports of the Museum of Fine Arts,
Boston, Mass.
Studien zur Vasenkunde.
Le Cabinet des Antiques a la Bibliotheque Nationale.
Berliner Philologische Wochenschrift.
Geschichte der Griechischen Kunstler.
Bulletino dell’ Institute di corrispondenza archaeo-
Catalogues, Museum.
Berlin: Beschreibung der Vasensammlung des Antiquarium
in Berlin, by A. Furtwangler.
Brussels, Musee de Ravestein: Catalogue descriptif par Μ. E. de M. de
Ravestein. Liege, 1871.
Campana: Cataloghi del Museo Campana. I, Vasi dipinti, by
G. P. Campana. (The Campana collection is
now in the Louvre.)
Copenhagen, National Museum: De malede Vaser i Antikkabinet i Kjb-
benhavn, by S. Birket-Smith.
Thorwaldsen Museum. Catalogvie, by L. Muller.
Harrow: Catalogue of the classical antiquities from the col-
lection of the late Sir G. Wilkinson, by Cecil Torr.
(Harrow School Museum.)
Karlsruhe: Beschreibung der Vasensammlung der grossherzogli-
chen vereinigten Sammlungen zu Karlsruhe, by H.
Leyden: Catalogus van het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te
Leyden, by J. H. Holwerda.
Munich: Beschreibung der Vasensammlung Kbnig Ludwigs
in der Pinakothek zu Munchen, by Otto Jahn.
(Of the new catalogue only one volume, dealing
with the non-Attic b. f. vases has so far ap-
Naples: Die Vasensammlung des Museo Nazionale zu Nea-
pel, by H. Heydemann.
Petrograd: Die Vasensammlung der Kaiserlichen Ermitage, by
L. Stephani.
(W.). Imperatorski Eremitage. Kratkoe opisanie
sobranya antitchnik raspisnik Vas, by Oskar
Waldhauer. Petrograd, 1914, 2d ed.
Γ 497 1
The table given below is of publications cited in this work in an abbreviated form, which contain no
illustrations, and therefore are not to be found in the Index of Publications.
Amelung, Fuhrer:
Ann. Rep. Mus. F. A:
Arndt, Studien:
Babeion, Guide:
B. P. W.:
Brunn, K.G.:
Bull. d. Inst.:
Fuhrer durch die Antiken in Florenz.
Annual Reports of the Museum of Fine Arts,
Boston, Mass.
Studien zur Vasenkunde.
Le Cabinet des Antiques a la Bibliotheque Nationale.
Berliner Philologische Wochenschrift.
Geschichte der Griechischen Kunstler.
Bulletino dell’ Institute di corrispondenza archaeo-
Catalogues, Museum.
Berlin: Beschreibung der Vasensammlung des Antiquarium
in Berlin, by A. Furtwangler.
Brussels, Musee de Ravestein: Catalogue descriptif par Μ. E. de M. de
Ravestein. Liege, 1871.
Campana: Cataloghi del Museo Campana. I, Vasi dipinti, by
G. P. Campana. (The Campana collection is
now in the Louvre.)
Copenhagen, National Museum: De malede Vaser i Antikkabinet i Kjb-
benhavn, by S. Birket-Smith.
Thorwaldsen Museum. Catalogvie, by L. Muller.
Harrow: Catalogue of the classical antiquities from the col-
lection of the late Sir G. Wilkinson, by Cecil Torr.
(Harrow School Museum.)
Karlsruhe: Beschreibung der Vasensammlung der grossherzogli-
chen vereinigten Sammlungen zu Karlsruhe, by H.
Leyden: Catalogus van het Rijksmuseum van Oudheden te
Leyden, by J. H. Holwerda.
Munich: Beschreibung der Vasensammlung Kbnig Ludwigs
in der Pinakothek zu Munchen, by Otto Jahn.
(Of the new catalogue only one volume, dealing
with the non-Attic b. f. vases has so far ap-
Naples: Die Vasensammlung des Museo Nazionale zu Nea-
pel, by H. Heydemann.
Petrograd: Die Vasensammlung der Kaiserlichen Ermitage, by
L. Stephani.
(W.). Imperatorski Eremitage. Kratkoe opisanie
sobranya antitchnik raspisnik Vas, by Oskar
Waldhauer. Petrograd, 1914, 2d ed.
Γ 497 1