Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Journal on the conclusion of the armistice. Arrangements were made
by the Bureau for the employment of three whole-time lecturers and
propagandists, Rai Raj Bahadur Sahib for the Agra Division, Chaudhri
Hari Ram Singh for the Benares Division, and Captain Kashi Nath,
late of the United Provinces Labour Corps, for the Bareilly Division.
All these gentlemen did valuable work, especially Chaudhri Hari
Ram Singh, whose eloquence in addressing war meetings was of the
highest order.
It was decided at the outset of the campaign that, in view of
the comparatively undeveloped stage which had been reached by the
Vernacular Press of these Provinces, it would be highly desirable to
establish an official War Journal to carry the work of publicity as
far as possible into every village of the provinces and to reach the
great mass of the rural population who were entirely untouched by
the existing Vernacular Press organization. A scheme for this
journal was accordingly worked out early in June, 1918. The Rev.
Dr. Garfield Williams was appointed Editor of the new journal with
Pt. Satyanand Joshi, Sub-Editor of the Leader, as his Assistant.
These gentlemen set to work at once, and, in spite of the great
difficulties of starting a weekly journal on a large scale under
amateur management, they succeeded in bringing out the first
number of that admirable publication, the United Provinces JUar
Journal on the 17th July, 1918. The first issue of the paper
numbered 41,000 copies, 3,000 being in English, 25,000 in Hindi,
and 13,000 in Urdu. Being written in the simplest possible
language and edited with great devotion and ability by Dr. Garfield
Williams, the paper was an immediate success, and demands for
large numbers of copies flowed in from ail sides. By the beginning
of December, when the circulation had reached the limit to which it
could be allowed to go, the numbers issued reached a total of
119,500 copies, of which 11,500 were in English, 65,000 in Hindi,
and 43,000 in Urdu. As the work increased rapidly, it was found
necessary to appoint a Business Manager to organize the work of
publication and distribution on business lines, and Mr. G. S. Ingram