Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 51.1913/​1914

DOI Heft:
Nr. 203 (January, 1914)
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Art school notes
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Art School Notes

(See Hull Art School Notes, p. 242)

IONDON.—The sketching club at the Royal
College of Art has many generous sup-
porters who offer awards each year for
—J the best work submitted in various de-
partments of the arts and crafts ; and the prize-
givers at the competition and exhibition last month
included Sir Cecil Harcourt Smith, Mr. Walter
Runciman, M.P., Mr. J. A. Pease, M.P., Sir L. A.
Selby Bigge, and two of the most distinguished
of South Kensington’s old students, Mr. J. J.
Shannon, R.A., and Mr. Alfred Drury, A.R.A.
The exhibition, which was held in the Iron
Buildings behind the Natural History Museum,
contained some good work but was not, taken
altogether, up to tire standard of a few years ago.
There was an overwhelming display of landscapes
but the figure compositions were few and poor in
quality, and the display of modelling was not as
good as the high reputation of the College in this
department would have led visitors to expect. The
most interesting things in the exhibition were a set
of brilliant little water-colour studies by Mr. H.
Youngman, of the streets and monuments of
Florence, Naples, and Rome. Some excellent
work in pencil, sketches in Caen and other French
towns by Mr. William Keesey, also deserve notice.

They gained the first prize for the best set of
sketches in black and white, and Mr. Keesey also
carried off the prize for etching, offered by Mr.
D. Y. Cameron, A.R.A. Professor Lethaby’s prize
for the best piece of workmanship, designed and
wrought by the same student, in one of the artistic
crafts, was awarded to Miss Helen Lamb for an
embroidered bag. The remaining prize winners
included Mr. H. Hendrie, Mr. H. F David, Miss
Doris Perkin, Mr. H. Dearden, Mr. W. J. Rowden,
Mr. C. W. Wheeler, and Mr. M. C. Oliver.

Mr. F. W. Pomeroy, A.R.A., Mr. Harold Speed
and Mr. Bertram Priestman were the judges in the
competition known now as the “Gilbert-Garret,”
in which most of the sketching clubs attached to
London art schools take part. The exhibition
and competition took place in the Iron Buildings
a few days after the Royal College of Art sketches
had been shown, and the clubs represented in-
cluded, besides the Royal College, the Gilbert-
Garret, Grosvenor, Polytechnic (Regent Street),
Byam Shaw and Vicat Cole, City and Guilds
Institute, Birkbeck, London Art School, South-
Western Polytechnic, and Crystal Palace. The
Royal Academy, perhaps because this is one of
the years in which the important biennial com-
petitions are held at Burlington House, was for