Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 54.1914/​1915

DOI Heft:
No. 214 (December 1914)
DOI Artikel:
McAllister, I. G.: A rising British sculptor ; Charles Sargeant Jagger
DOI Artikel:
The Panama-Pacific International Exposition, San Francisco, 1915
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The Panama-Pacific Exposition


might well envy, and it is an excellent
sign that he delights in hard work—he
is always learning. He will therefore do
greater things yet, for he has not come
to his full strength.
CISCO, 1915.
The year that is now drawing to a
close will be for ever remarkable for two
events without parallel in the world’s
history and fraught with immense sig-
nificance for the future. The keynote
of one is Destruction; of the other
Construction. In the Old World the
great nations, with their millions of
men in arms, are in the throes of a
struggle compared with which all wars
in the past pale into insignificance, and
the cost in lives and money is almost
incalculable. In the New World, on
the other hand, the year 1914 has
witnessed the effective completion of
the greatest constructive undertaking of
all time—the Panama Canal—that

from Life was also exhibited at the Royal Academy,
and again the quality of living flesh is apparent,
as it is also in the male study from the life. In
the statuette called Torfrida the arrangement of
drapery is unique; the material falls in most un-
studied folds without any conventional prearrange-
ment ; yet the effect is good. It is a dramatic and
convincing work, and the beautiful face of the wife
of Hereward the Wake expresses intense sorrow and
tragedy. A joyous feeling of youth and life is
found in the relief called Spring, a composition
full of charming figures.
The illustrations show examples of Mr. Jagger’s
skill in various mediums, for he does not limit
himself to any one branch, but expresses his ideas
in clay and marble, engraving on metal, drawings
in pencil and chalk, in silver, as the Design for a
Shield, and he delights in making jewellery. An
example is shown of a fairy-like pendant in silver
set with precious stones, but except as a pastime he
is not likely to do much of this class of work, for
larger and more serious things claim his attention.
Mr. Jagger has many things in his favour : he
has begun well, he is young and consequently has
plenty of time before him. Above all, he has had
a training in art such as less fortunate students

magnificent “wonder of work ” which has elicited
the admiration of the whole world.
To commemorate this latter event an inter-
national exposition on a scale befitting its vast
importance will be held during the greater part of
next year at San Francisco. Its site has a frontage
of two miles on San Francisco Bay and an average
depth of half a mile, and upon this site a large
number of imposing buildings have been erected
from the designs of leading American architects.
Some idea of the proportions and appearance of
these palatial buildings, as well as of the general
plan of the exposition, will be obtained from
the accompanying illustrations, which are repro-
duced by courtesy of the Panama-Pacific Ex-
position Company from the perspectives executed
by the well-known artist Jules Guerin. The Fine
Arts will be liberally represented in this exposition,
a special palace having been erected for the purpose,
and elsewhere there will be a comprehensive display
of art as applied to the needs of industry. As a
whole the exposition will constitute a great monu-
ment of the peaceful activities of mankind as
carried on in the twentieth century—for with few
exceptions the products exhibited will be not older
than the year 1905.
