Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

International studio — 54.1914/​1915

DOI issue:
No. 216 (February 1915)
DOI article:
Hoeber, Arthur: William H. Singer, an American painter
DOI article:
Famous paintings for Panama Exposition
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William H. Singer, an American Painter

the man is entirely personal. He sees the tender-
ness of tones, the poetry and charm of atmosphere,
the envelopment and the harmony of the open.
With it all he is direct, simple and obsessed by no
parti pris, going to his picture with a mind singu-
larly open. And he draws the landscape as one
having authority, designing only after much seri-
ous observation and reflection. In short, Mr.
Singer is a distinct art personality, a newcomer to
be welcomed, to be kept track of, a man who has
done much worth the while, but who promises
with the years to do more. The movement of his
Salmon River, the dignity of his Birches, the refine-
ment and subtlety of his snow in My Garden and
the delicate analysis of his The Falls, are all
refreshing and novel, presaging much for the
future and giving satisfaction in the present

Famous paintings for panama
Director Raymond Wyer’s activities at the
Hackley Gallery, Muskegon, Mich., have been
noticed in The International Studio on several
occasions, and choice paintings in their permanent
collection have from time to time been reproduced
in our pages. Mr. Wyer has recently yielded to
the importunities of the department of fine arts at
the Panama Exhibition in permitting several mas-
terpieces to make the journey to San Francisco.
It is doubtless a great sacrifice to lose these works
for so long a period, but it is a case of noblesse
oblige, and one can only congratulate him upon his
decision and wish to his charges a safe round trip.
We reproduce here the Hogarth, Gainsborough
and Beechey.
