Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Aamu, people of, i. G9 ; ii. 21.

Abesha, 7ia£-prince of the desert, i. 69.

Abkemt, superintendent of Khnemliotep II., i. 48.

Abtu (Abydos) city, situation of, ii. 21.

Abydos, i. 33, 68; ii. 21.

Acrobats, scenes, i. 32 ; ii. 47, 49, 57.

Ad, baker of Khnemhotep II., i. 47.

Agricultural scenes, i. 31, 32, 68 ; ii. 26, 35, 36, 47, 49, 61.

Akeri, governor of Amenemhat, i. 16.

Aku, messenger of Amenemhat, i. 16.

Alyi, its identification with the island of Bu, ii. 20.

Ama, messenger of Amenemhat, i. 16.

Amam, country of, ii. 21.

Amenemhat I., i. 58, 60, 84; cartouche of, 2, 3 ; contem-
porary with Khnemhotep I., ii. 9, 16.

Amenemhat II., i. 25, 57, 58, 61 ; contemporary of Amen-
emhat and Khnemhotep II., ii. 10, 16.

Amenemhat (chief of the Oryx nome), titles, i. 9, 11, 13;
parentage and family, 13, 14 ; officers and servants,
14-18; priests of, 18, 19; figures of, 23; biographical
inscription, 23-27 (date of burial, £4 ; address to
visitors, ib.; expeditions to Ethiopia, 25, 26 ; as ruler
of the Oryx nome, 26); offerings to, scenes, 31, 32, 33,
36 ; statue of, 34; biographical notice, ii. 13, expedi-
tions to Ethiopia, 15.

- family of, genealogical table, ii. 13.

- tomb of, i. 7 ; description of, 11-38; divinities

.recorded in, 13; plan of, 19; architectural features,
20; shrine of, 20, 34-37 (inscriptions at entrance, 28;
sculptures and paintings, 34, 37); facade, 20-23 (in-
scriptions, 21-23); main chamber, 20, 23-34 (inscrip-
tions, 23-29 ; paintings, 29-34); its date, ii. 13; archi-
tectural notes, 71.

Amenemhat, son of Khoty, chief of Oryx nome, ii. 6.

Arueni, (royal) scribe of Khnemhotep II., i. 46 bis.

Ameni, superintendent of Amenemhat, i. 17.

Ameni, Prince, see Amenemhat II.

Amcni, Ha Prince, see Amenemhat.

Anatef, " food provider" of Amenemhat, i. 15.

Anatef, superintendent of Amenemhat, i. 17.
Anebi, messenger of Amenemhat, i. 16.
Ankeku, attendant of Khnemliotep II., i. 51.
Ankeku, father of Ma, i. 48.
Antef, fisherman of Khnemhotep II., i. 46.
Antiquities discovered, ii. 79-81.

Anubis in the House of Shemsu, i. 12, 13; ii. 23 (titles).
Anubis, and Anubis upon his Hill, i. 23, 36, 42, 44, 56 ; ii.

21, 22 (titles), 32, 35, 38, 44, 47, 48, 57 et pass.
Ap, sahu of Amenemhat, i. 19.
Apa, chief lector of Amenemhat, i. 18.
Apneb, superintendent of Amenemhat, i. 17.
Architectural decorations, nature of, ii. 2.
Architecture of tombs, i. 3 ; notes on, ii. 71.
Architraves, decoration of, ii. 3.
Arrow-making, scene, i. 31.
Arthet, country of, ii. 21.
Aryt, city, situation of, ii. 20.

Arythotep, mother of Neternekht, ii. 12, 27,29; figure
of, 28.

Asses, driving of, scenes, i. 60 ; ii. 49, 62 ; stock-taking of,

scene, 49; with herdsmen, scenes, 56, 62.
Au, captain of Khnemhotep II., i. 48.
Au, father of Neternekht, i. 49.
Aui, steward of Khnemhotep II., i. 49.

Baboon, ii. 48, 61.

Bakers, scenes, i. 31, 68 ; ii. 48, 56.

Bakt, see Baqt.

Baqt I. (chief of the Oryx nome), biography of, ii. 5; his
wife Tahutiqa, 6 ; genealogy of, 7 ; date, ib.; titles, 32;
parentage, ib.; figures of, 33-35 ; hunting, 33 ; fishing,
34 ; offerings to, ib.; father of Baqt II., 38.

- tomb of, ii. 32-36 ; architecture, 33, 78; scenes, 33.

Baqt II. (chief of the Oryx nome), biography, ii. 6 ; father
of Kemushenta, ib.; figure of, 34; titles, 37 : parentage,
38; figures of, 38, 39 ; fishing, fowling, &c, 39.

——- tomb of, ii. 37-40 ; architecture, 38, 78; scenes,

&c, 38.
