Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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arrive d at Grand Cairo the 7th os July, 1737. This
capital of Egypt, that they call likewife barely Cairo, Plate
' and, in Arabick, Majfer, is situated to the eaft os the XVIL
Nile, a little above the place where this river separates
itself into two branches, sor forming the Delta. It is
divided into two cities, the one known under the name
of Old Cairo ; the other under that os Grand Cairo ;
you have views of the one and the other, in the two
fheets of plate XVII.
This city is fo well known, by fuch a number os
Nations and descriptions, as have been publifhed os it, that I slatter myfelf, the
reader will be pleafed with my forbearing to enter into circumftantial details, on
its origin, its circuit, the number of its inhabitants, its caftle, the number of its
tttofques, its publick baths, its gates, &Pc\ Yet, that I may not be reproached
a Dr. Pococke has given ike sollowing account of " The city of Grand Cairo has been much mag-
ali thefe particulars. nified as to its extent, and the number os its