Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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ABA BUD A, see Arabs.
Ababe, vol. ii. pag. 15.
Abadu, ib. p. 97.
■dbbaed, ib. p. 16.
■dbusode, see Mountains,
dbubandel, ib. p. 96.
4b»numerus, ib. p. 6.
AHchikass, ib. p. 16.
dbusebera, ib. p. 66.
-%«</, ib. p. 15.
4bMschonhe, ib. p. 16.
^hemuneim, formerly Hermopolis, ib. p. 20.
dchmiin, ib. p. 31. 136. The prince of Ach-
miin, ib. p. 28, 31,33, 136.
^<W Adam's fig trees, v. i. p. 51. Allusion
^ the fall of Adam, v. ii. p. 51.
■dddison (Mr.) his observation on the high situ-
ation of modern Rome above the ancient, v. i.
P- 19. His millake about the labyrinth, v. ii.
P- 142. His observation on the statues of the
Nile, p. 142.
£°-> his power and ossice, v. i. p. 59.
Sa~Ibrahim, his civility, v. ii. p. 68, 69, 77,
82• his death, 117.
4la&, v. h. p. QI.
Zander the great, his tomb, v. i. p. 20.
4l^andria, (theancient) ib. p. 1, 2, &c. top.
jxandria, (the new) ib. p. 23, &ss.
Js//««r, v. ii. p. 36.
P'»us (Prosper) cited, v. i. p. 118.
£*. v. ii. p. 95.
mia»us Marcellinus, cited v. i. p. 103. v. ii.
^niac (sa]) ib.
t^> * p. l8.
^aer, v. „. p. 6^
see Raphael

Angora, v. ii. p. 93.
Animals embalmed, see Labyrinth.
Antinoe, see Schech-Abade.
Antiquities, the Arabs have no regard to them,
v. ii. p. 27, 60. but are jealous of them, and
conjecture of the cause of it, p. ib.
Apollinopolis, see Edsu.
Arabs, their contempt and jealousy with respecl
to elegant antiquities, see Antiquities. They
are superstitious, v. ii. p. 1, 60. The rebel-
lion of some Arabs, p. 2.
Arabs called Ababuda, v. ii. p. 60. Bedouins, v. i.
p. 11, 61. Felaques, 61. Havarra, v. ii. p. 24,
38. and Scborassd, v. ii. p. 40.
Areb. v. ii. p. 93.
Arega, ib. p. 93.
Arment, formerly Hermonthis, ib. p. 56.
Afmodi banished by the angel Raphael, ib. p. 29.
AJsafs, v. i. p. 59.
AJsalie, v. ii. p. 40.
Afs-Fuun, ib. p. 58. 127.
AJserat, ib. p. 33.
Atter-Ennabi, v. i. p. 49. v. ii. p. 6.
Attuaen, v. ii. p. 61.
Author, his arrival and abode at Cairo, ib. p. 1.
his sickness at the same place, p. 2. at Lux-
xor, p. 56. at Esnay, p. 60. his departure for
the Upper Egypt, p. 6. his return to Cairo,
p. 140. Danger he is in at Cairo, p. 2. at
Luxxor, p. 49. at Esnay, p. 59. at Girsche,
p. 90. at Derri, 98, to 107. The journal of
his voyage to the upper Egypt, p. 5. his let-
ter to Martin Folkes, Esq-, v. i. p. 83.
BASHAW os Egypt, his power and ossice,
vol. i. p. 58.
Bacchus, Head of Bacchus, v. ii. p. 54-