Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Notae Numismaticae - Zapiski Numizmatyczne — 11.2016

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László, Simon: Numismatic data from the history of Northeastern Hungary during the Roman Imperial Age
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Tom XI

Kraków 2016

DOI: 11.12797/ZP. 11.2016.11.05
Herman Otto Museum, Miskolc (Hungary)
Numismatic Data from the History of Northeastem
Hungary during the Roman Imperial Age

ABSTRACT: This study contains a database on coins known to be of
Roman origin which were found in Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen County/Northeastem
Hungary, including a short interpretation of their history. This database contains
a total of 299 identifiable coins from 80 archaeological sites. Of the four hoards
discussed in this study, one is dated to the Republican Age. The second one, from
Megyaszó, remains to a large extent a mystery; information is only available about
one of its pieces. Up-to-date information is also included about the circumstances
behind the finding of the third hoard and its Container pot. The fourth hoard is one
that was forgotten from Inancs. It contains eleven denarii; the youngest one is
a consecration issue by Faustina Junior.
The majority of these coins are denarii. They were struck in the 2nd century
AD, mostly under Antoninus Pius and Marcus Aurelius. Except for one, all of
the gold coins (nine pieces) are from the late 4th and first half of the 5th century
AD. The exception is an aureus by Aurelian. There are two barbarie copies: one
is an imitation of a 2nd-century denarius from Mezókóvesd; the other is a forgery
of a Theodosius II solidus from Sarospatak-Vegardó. A 4th-century bronze coin
was found in an Avar Age (8th century) grave from Nyekladhaza.
The majority of the Roman coins are connected to the Hasding Vandals who
took control of Northeastem Hungary during the 2nd-4th centuries AD. These coins
- struck in the late 4lh and first half of the 5th century - are tied to the Huns’ difficult
political and ethnic network of connections.
KEY WORDS: Roman Coins, Northeastem Hungary, Barbaricum, Przeworsk
Culture, Vandals
ABSTRAKT: Numizmatyczne dane z historii północno-wschodnich Węgier
w czasach imperium rzymskiego
Niniejsze studium zawiera zestawienie i krótką analizę znalezisk monet
rzymskich z terenu komitatu Borsod-Abauj-Zemplen w południowo-wschodnich