Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Novensia: Studia i Materiały — 14.2003

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Dyczek, Piotr: Introduction
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Jubilees are always an occasion for reflection. Ticking off the days, months and years,
we cannot but think of time slipping away inevitably. However, archaeologists profess
a specific attitude toward time. Our private chronology is based on a different calendar.
Forty years in the life of a man can be a very long time indeed. For an archaeologist it is
often just an error margin in the dating. But one of the things our profession, which is
also our passion as a rule, teaches us is respect for passing time. Contrary to many non-
archaeologists, our work brings results only after many years of concerted effort. Thus,
we tend to measure our lives not so much by years, as by field seasons, by completed
archaeological projects. But we are also morę fortunate than many in that we have younger
followers, often our students, who are leaming under our direction and who will take
over and continue our work. In this sense this new generation extends our not only ar-
chaeological life.
These and similar thoughts surely accompany all of you in your work. On an occa-
sion like today, however, we not only tum to the futurę, to new challenges and projects,
but we remember, fondly and with due respect, our Masters. Novae has already seen
three generations of archaeologists grow and leam at the site, three generations that have
left their heart here, devoting their time and efforts to its exploration. Tuming over the
already yellowed pages of the excavation joumals, we return to those First pioneer days.
Photographs refresh memories, while for the young they are like a history lesson. I dare
hope we have been granted our Masters’ dedication, respect for other people and their
opinions, an open attitude toward the world and new ideas, a family atmosphere and the
capacity for team-work. For all this we are grateful. The rare and condemnable devia-
tions from these principles do nothing to shake our belief in them; they only let us per-
ceive how imperfect we all are.
Sorrowfully we remember today those who have passed away — professors D. Dimitrov,
K. Majewski, S. Parnicki-Pudełko, A. Kunisz. We send our warm greetings to those who
coułd not be here in person: professors L. Press, M. Nowicka, M. Biemacka-Lubańska,
J. Kolendo, R. Massalski. We warmly welcome Professors M. Cicikova, A. Dimitrova-Milce-
va, V. Najdenova, V. Bożilova and all of you, ladies and gentlemen, present here today.
I have also been entrusted with a message from the Rector of Warsaw University,
Piotr Węgleński. To all the participants in this conference and to all those working at
Novae I have the honor of passing on Professor Węgleński’s words of greetings and
wishes of continued success.