Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Novensia: Studia i Materiały — 15.2004

DOI article:
Tsarov, Ivan: The cult of the Danubian rider-gods in the city's territory of Nicopolis ad Istrum
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(catalogue no. 1-3) [Tudor 1969, 46-48, no. 78-80] and the other literature quoted
there), because of some inaccuracies and omissions. It is necessary for the forth
record too (catalogue no. 4), already published as early Bulgarian [Totev 1989a,
5-6, 1989b, 411-416, fig. 1-2] and its incorrect entering it scientific requisition
head to engrossing the mistake [Ovcharov 2000, 53-56, fig. 1], The last (catalogue
no. 5) is newly found.
From the land of Biala Cherkva town come two records. One of them is shaped
like a votive tablet [Tudor 1969, no. 79] with an iconographic plot of one rider
(catalogue no. 1). In the first publication the region in which it was found is not
marked and this remained unknown for the science [Dobruski 1894, 92, no. 76].
The other record is a medallion (catalogue no. 2) on which a scene with two
riders is represented [Tudor 1969, no. 80], It is found in ruins from the Roman
time near an ancient road, as it is marked in its first publication [Kazarow 1939,
161, pi. 1-1], Though unmentioned, obviously this is the region Urushki lozia
[Iordanov 1991, 58, 65], During 1975-1979 an ancient ceramic centre is found
there. According to the researcher the ruins of villa rustica are there [Sultov
1977, 25; Dinchev 1997, 73]. The untimely stoppage of the excavations didn’t
allow the revealing of the complete character of the complex. By this time there
is no primary publication of the results but for some short summaries [Sultov,
Tsochev 1976, 48; 1977, 83; 1978, 87-88; 1979, 86; 1980, 93]. From this region
came other records of a cult and of life, coins which were found by chance
[Iordanov 1991, 65].
The other record, which is an object of our research, is a marble medallion
(catalogue no. 3). It comes from the region Seltse in the land of Suchindol Town
[Kazarow 1942, 251, no. 4, pi. XXXIX], In this region were found architectural
details, piscina with stairs, surrounded by colonade and railing [Mankov 1896,
30], subject of a cult and of life [Ilcheva and coll, 1989, 71], coins [Pisarev,
Tsochev 1975]. The southern border of Seltse is the little Boazka river (or
Vodeshnitsa). Southwards immediately near it 11 hills are situated. The things
mentioned above lead us to the conclusion that in the region Seltse there was a
rich landowner’s estate — villa rustica, with adjoining agricultural complex and
tumuli necropolis.
Near the town of Pavlikeni in the region Varbovski Livadi is studied villa
rustica which had developed as a centre for manufacturing daily pottery [Sultov
1985a, 22-25; Dinchev 1997, 45-47]. Round the imposing part of this villa more
residential and manufacturing building appeared in consequence. In such a
building the medallion, which we introduce in the catalogue under no. 4, is found.
The researched places its existence in the fourth building period, dated after the
invasion of the Costobocks in 170-176 [Sultov 1985a, 24, tab. IV-1], It was
differentiated as a separate complex, including residential premises, surrounded
by wall yard with ovens and clay-quarry in it. The medallion is the only one of
the five records coming from a certain and well dated in the first half of 3rd