Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Novensia: Studia i Materiały — 15.2004

DOI article:
Ardevan, Radu: Note on the centurion P. Tenacius Vindex [CIL III 1481, 6265]
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trends in the Danubian valley during the Severan age: the promotion of some
military officials into the municipal aristocracies, the ascenssion of the rich
freedmen in the ordo augustalium, a certain geographic mobility and social or
cultural connections on larger areals. These phenomena belong to the
contemporary Roman way of life and testify a good Roman provincial civilization.


1 The first one [CIL III 1481] was wrongly attributed to Sarmizegetusa [IDR III/2, 120],
2 This character was not taken into account by Mrozewicz [1989], because it deals not at all
with the upper-class of the Greek towns from Lower Moesia.
3 E. Ritterling didn’t accept the idea [1924, 1814]; but the support of the legion for Septimius
Severus is well documented [Ritterling 1924, 1814; Cohen2, IV, 32], i. e. Such a participation was


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