Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Novensia: Studia i Materiały — 15.2004

DOI Artikel:
Wiewiorowski, Jacek: The territorial responsibility of duces in Moesia Secunda and Scythia Minor in the times of Diocletian
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Conclusions: The presented sources are not sufficient to support the theory of
T. Sarnowski. Most probably the post of dux who had under his command the
whole Lower Danube area and Crimea during Diocletian’s reign never existed.1 2 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 18
According to common opinion the only evidence of one command in Moesia
Secunda and Scythia Minor is the constitution of Theodosius II from 412 AD
[CTh. 7. 17, l].191 am almost sure that the constitution described the situation only
around this year, it means not long ago after the creation of the post of magister
utriusquae militiae per Thracias.20 He commanded army forces consisted of
comitatenses, pseudocomitatenses and units of foederati. Therefore magister
militum per Thracias was able to protect all Balkan provinces of Eastern Empire
better than the units subordinated to the dux — who had then under his direct
command only the limitanei — even then if one dux commanded in Moesia Secunda
and in Scythia Minor. Direct evidences, of the existence of particular duces in
Moesia Secunda and Scythia Minor in the end of 4th and 5th centuries, are also
texts of Notitia Dignitatum [Seeck 1876, Chapters 39 and 40] and one constitution
of Leo I from ca 470-474 AD [C. 12. 59, 11]. When we take under consideration
plenty other sources from 4th, 5th and 6th centuries it can be deduced that the division
of territorial military command of Moesia Secunda and Scythia Minor has been
in that region a stable feature of late roman military organization since Diocletian.21


1 The speech is based on my studies [Wiewiorowski 1999, 356-357, 361-363, 375-376, 393-
398, 408, 411-413, 418-419, 425-428, 434-439, 445-447, 451-452; Wiewiorowski 2001, passim],
2 Sexaginta Prista: Imperatores Caes[s(ares)] Gaius Aur(elius) Val(erius) Diocletianus et
M(arcus) A[u]r(elius) Valerius) / Maximianus pii fel(ices) Invicti Augfg(usti) et Fl(avius)] /
Valerius) Constantius et Gal(erius) Valerius) Maximianus [nobb(ilissimi) Caes[a(res) / Germanici
Maximi [V] Sarmat(ici) Maxim[i IIII] Persici M[ax(imi) II] Brittannici [Max(imi) post debellat(as)
kostium gent(es) / confirmata [or]bi s[u]o tranquillitate pro futurum in aeternum reipublicae/
praesidium constituerunt.
Transmarisca: Imperatores Caess(ares) Gaius Aur(elius) Val(erius) Diocletianus /et M(arcus)
Aur(elius) Val(erius) /Maximianus pii fdices Invicti Augg(usti) et Fl(avius) Val(erius) / Constantius
et Gal(erius) Val(erius) Maximianus nobb(ilissimi) Caesa(res) Germanici / Cl Maximi V Sarmat(ici)
Maximi IIII Persici M[ax(imi) II Brittanici Max(imi) /post debellatis host[ium] gentis confirmata
orbi suo / [tranquillitate pro futurum in aeternum reipublijcae praesidiu / m constituerunt.
Durostorum: [Impp(eratores) Caess(ares) C(aius) Aur(elius) Val(erius) Di]ocletianus / [et
M(arcus) Aur(elius) Val(erius) Maximianu]s pp(ii) ff(elices) Invict[i] / [Augg(usti) et Fl(avius)
Val(erius) Constanti[us et Gal(erius) Val(erius) / [Maximianus nobilissimi] Caess(ares) German(ici)
/ [Max(imi) V Sarmat] ici) Max(imi) III [I Gothici Max(imi)/ [Brittan(ici) Max(imi) post debella ]tas
hostim/ [gentes confirmata orbi su]o tr[anquil[ / [litate pro futurum in aeternum] reipub[lic]ae
praesi/ [dium constituerunt] (292-299 AD).
All inscriptions were reedited by: Kolendo 1966a; Kolendo 1966b; Zahariade 1997, 636.