Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Novensia: Studia i Materiały — 15.2004

DOI Artikel:
Popović, Ivana: Jewelry as evidence of the presence of the autochthonous population in the settlements on Middle and Lower Danube Limes
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Fig. 3. Torque, Bare

and granulation with ornamental motifs from the repertoire of the autochthonous
population. Thus the miniature axe represented on the ring head since the Hallstatt
times had symbolic meaning in the spiritual life of Illyrian—Dacian—Thracian
ethnic substratum. Besides jewelry the hoards from Tekija and Bare contain also
certain other objects of different provenance so just on the basis of heterogeneity
of the contents certain conclusions about their owners could be drawn. The hoard
from Tekija contains also the silver emblems with representations of deities of
Hellenistic-Oriental character, one or more Roman silver parade belts, silver
spoons and a pin as well as the luxurious silverware, paterae and simpulum, that
had been produced in the workshops of Flavian epoch in Rome or Campania.
Contrary to the opinion that owner of this treasure, which he might have acquired
by plunder, was the Roman soldier Valerius Crescus, as his name had been
punched on the circular belt buckle, it seems more probable to us that the owner
of these objects belonged to the higher social class of the autochthonous population