Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Novensia: Studia i Materiały — 17.2006

DOI Artikel:
Genčeva, Evgenija: Bułgarski odcinek Limesu rzymskiego
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Kuzmanov 2000 — G. Kuzmanov, A Residence from Late Antiąuity in Ratiaria (Dacia Ripensis),
Archaeologia Bulgarica (Sofia), IV, 1, 27-43.
Mashov 1994 — S. Mashov, Das spatantike Kastell und fruhbyzantinische Stadt Augustae beim
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Mitova-Dżonova 1994 — D. Mitova-Dżonova, Dimum und region Dimensis, [in:] Limes, 5,
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Stoićkov 1987 — V. Stoićkov, Almus. Lokalizzazione, stato attuale delle ricerche, Ratiariensia,
3-4, 135-147.
Stoickov 1995 — V. Stoickov, Nouvelles donnees sur le developpement du castel Almus et son
territoire, Balcanica Posnaniensia, VII, Poznań, 251-258.
Velkov 1966 — V. Velkov, Ratiaria (Eine rómische Stadt in Bulgarien), Eirene (Praha), V, 155-
Velkov 1980 — V. Velkov, Roman Cites in Bułgaria. Collected Studies. Amsterdam.
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The Bulgarian section of the Roman limes

Roman fortifications are freąuent on the Bulgarian stretch of the Roman
limes, but few have actually been investigated. The largest body of verified
archaeological evidence concerns Ratiaria where the Fourth Flavian Legion and
Oescus were stationed. Other Roman fortresses, like Lamus, Augusta, Dimum
and the łegionary fortress in Durostorum, could not be fully explored owing to the
existence of modern architecture.