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Punch — 7.1844

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[The relations, friends, and creditors of the singular and erratic being who, under the
title of the Fat Contributor (he is, by the way, the thinnest mortal that ever was seen),
vnote some letters in August last in this periodical, have been alarmed by the sudden
cessation of his correspondence; and the public, as we have reason to know from the
innumerable letters we have received, has participated in this anxiety.

Yesterday, by the Peninsular and Oriental Company's steam-ship Tagus, we received
h packet of letters in the strange handwriting of our eccentric friend ; they are without
date, as might be expected from the author's usual irregularity, but the first three letters
appear to have been written at sea, between Southampton and Gibraltar, the last from
the latter-named place. The letters contain some novel descriptions of the countries
which our friend visited, some neat and apposite moral sentiments, and some animated
descriptions of maritime life ; we therefore hasten to lay them before the public.

He requests us to pay his laundress in Lincoln's Inn " a small forgotten account."
As we have not the honour of that lady's acquaintance, and as no doubt she reads this
Miscellany (in company with every lady of the land), we beg her to apply at our Office,
where her claim, upon authentication, shall be settled],

AViNe been at Brussels for three
•whole days (during which time, I
calculate, I ate do less than fifty-
four dishes at that admirable table-
d'hote at the Hotel de Suede); time
began to hang heavily upon me.
Although I am fat, I am one of the
most active men in the Universe—
in fact, I roll like a ball—and pos-
sess a love of locomotion which
would do credit to the leanest of
travellers, George Borrow, Cap-
tain Clapperton, or Mungo
Park. I therefore pursued a rapid
course to Paris, and thence to

As Havre is the dullest place on earth, I quitted it the next day
by the Ariadne steamer—the weather was balm, real balm. A
myriad of twinkling stars glittered down on the deck which bore the
Fat Contribute ■——" ie in a
sky of the m< = ^1J|f ^ ed the

smiling counte ="n NMfy£
not turn into — t-




my favourite s< = ^^yJK^^ ncu 1

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" And does she make Gibraltar ? " I continued. " Say, John, will
she land me at Gibel el Altar ? opposite the coasts of Afric, whence
whilom swarmed the galleys of the Moor, and landed on the European
shores the dusky squadrons of the Moslemah \ Do you mean to say,
Thomas, that if I took my passage in yon boat, a few days would
transport me to the scene renowned in British story—the fortress
seized by Rook, and guarded by Elliot f Shall I be able to see the
smoking ruins of Tangiers, which the savage bully of Gaul burned
down in braggadocio pride ?"

" Would you like anything for dinner before yon go ? " William
here rather sulkily interrupted me, " I can't be a listening to you all
day—there's the bell of 24 ringing like mad."

My repast was by this time concluded—the last slice of boiled
beef made up my mind completely. I went forth to the busy town
—I sought a ready-made linen warehouse—and in the twinkling of an
eye I purchased all that was necessary for a two months' voyage.

From that moment I let my mustacldos grow. At a quarter-past three,


had ever heard zi. ^^[^^^

but have forgo = w a mariner of a stout but weather-beaten appearance, with a

I never pass z: ■) rest, quantity of new carpet-bags and portmanteaus, containing twenty-

folded in my c =_ ^ | me a four new shirts (six terrifically striped), two dozen ditto stockings—

in brief, everything necessary for travel, tripped lightly up the
ladder of the Lady Mary Wood.

I made a bow as I have seen T. P. Cooke do it on the stage.
" Avast there, my hearty," I said, " can you tell me which is the
^ H I; to a skipper of this here craft, and can a seaman get a stowage in her ? "

" I am the captain," said the gentleman, rather surprised.
" Tip us your daddle then, my old sea-dog, and give us change for
ture) at anothe = ^ / \ ^ * I this here Henry Hase."

"That," said —— © o j | Steam 'Twas a bank note for 100Z. and the number was 337C9

Navigation Co -
to-day for Gibi zr
and Cadiz." — oo

— o


I quitted the z: .j I Die- Royal Destitution.

tionary, and sht =_ ^ ^ I iitted We beg to call the attention of Her Majesty to the dreadful state of

the ship, and w| z: ^ ~~ § > I ugnts ner r°yal ancestor in Leicester-Square. His poor Majesty is nearly

heaving, pantinj z:— = £ smothered in grass ; and though he and his horse probably lived all their

"Lisbon!" I — / \ >" CD I <fast, lives in clover, still it must have been of a far different quality to the

(if I have been E7" I beef weeds which are actually forcing themselves into their mouths. We

acd ale for bn — ^ I I . der have waited in vain for the scythe of Time to be applied to it, and we

Tage! the oranc —i I elem s'ncerely hope Her Majesty will feel for the destitution of her nearly

fi,Q p0n„„^ * — /in I .> ' invisible relation, and not allow him and his horse to be turned out to

tne ijranego*, an zz^ 111 m I these / , , ,\ , • „ , . .

in a week ? Il£ = <5 I took ^rass (a s 1 grass ■) during the severity of the approaching winter.


in a weeR s Hi — w v_ <d I took r>__i v t-> t A • ■ • .. a * ri,, r xv

another t t t — ^™ 05 ® Jrerhaps the foor Law Commissioners will, out of sympathy for the statue,

since it is made of stone, give it an order for the Middlesex Union ?

= "3"

Irish Feathers.

— co

Lord Castlereagh promises to be worthy of that father who has
given to the world A Voyage to Constantinople ; for at a recent dinner to
^3 £ , i *ne Londonderry tenantry, he said, "the proudest feather in Loud

(3 sies Londonderry's cap was not the laurels he had won in the field, but

icatti tjle tenantry over whom he presided." Truly, Mrs. Malaprop could

n^ — cm _ ' S°> not have made a prettier jumble of feathers and laurels. As for

Punch, whenever he thinks of Londonderry's cap, he never dreams erf

waiter ?" I criex z:— Q

The slave rep - f N feathers, but of belli.



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