Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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[July 16, 1892.


The M. M. {wishing he had not put his trust in Taitfield). I—
I have waited—but it don't matter. {Addressing First White Wig,

(A Sketch in the New Law Courts in anticipation of the very next " Cause fr°m a ^mid social impulse). The— er—Plaintiff made some remark-
et™ " that may have the good fortune to enlist the sympathies of i p^ttj^ere0118 ^ yesterday—his cross-examination seemed
the British Public.) ^ ^ | jr{rsf White Wig {after a stare at his audacity). Cross-examina-

Scexe—A Corridor outside the Courts appropriated to the Common tion not unfrequently is. (To the other W. W.) See that extra-
Laio Division of the High Court of Justice. At each of the ordinary decision of old Jubbek's in Biling v. Bulgin f Of course
doors of the Court where the Great Trial of Arkass v. Arkass \ they '11 appeal!

and Ambo—which abounds in " scandalous revelations in High ' [The couple converse in highly technical terms for some minutes.
Life "—is proceeding, a group of would-be auditors has collected, \ The M. M. {at the next pause). It struck me that Colonel Arkass
waiting^ with the patience of respectable Peris for a chance of rather contradicted himself on one or two points.
admission to the forensic Paradise within. The Paradise, at \ Second W. W. Very likely. {To First W. W.) What do you
present, is full to overflowing, and the doors are guarded by a do when you're before one of these confounded Common Law
couple of particu- Judges, and see he's

larly stern and jp| •! ; - f , looking up a point of

stolid attendants. z^^Aj=^_^;£ > iSlMMA Equity in a text-book

Each Peri is trying "^"^/^IfrEV | / LW/wMm/ / /- during your argument ?

to wear out the en- "^-^ySgteriiJ / I // Do you wait for him ?

durance of the rest, ' ~ -.....^ 'li^^^^>^ll/lif'/ / Z First W' W'

and to propitiate the ^^^J^^^S^^i)' litIf I V 'j // all the decision of a

doorkeepers by ex- J§ l~>['':-h . Ml h II i WM/^JW Counsel who was called

emplary behaviour. lllli£=t^-§ ^if!' , i ' \v W///y^M^^/y/X the Term Wore last).

A Meek Man {to MM , m^^Jjg^, Wait for him? No-

Doorkeener after stand- / Mm&EL W^li^nG^ Wm~^'W^A 80 on talkm? abcmt

Sr^T^xrSi km . m>/im*jmMKm>Mj^^^mr anything y0u ike,tm

ing in liopeful silence -225'^^ § Ms J|^»JPMW^ '<<?///'// u V • ' +

for three-quarters of an fegS^I ^^^^W/^^^^WW^^Ml^> % " 8 rea^' to ¥,on. °

hour). I suppose there fr?. 7 ' ^ / 9W M|1P§% fc >"\^ 3 T f a/T* l

'11 be a chanSe of get- j taj W what 1 alrways do ,

ting in presently, eh ? P111 *K« Sj IflKS^Af I l^R, c/ W Important

The Doorkeeper {pla- .. - | | Mp-W^^ ' fr^T ^^P

None whatever, 1 ~ --^ HMfc:'SflTA'SMfl ^€^~~^SmMt^^ j 1)om'}f^: Rer*l

j/ifl iltf. M. But they I \ M , ,| I J^^^^&^^W//^; ' youJ 7 v Av-f

'11 be rising for luncheon 'i ~ § iBl^Wf \| / ^ ,11^ JW. ^ ou a A\ it-

in an hour or so, and > N/////&// WWmk\ TJ T T®/ ^

some will be coming H I >ilv/m frWm'&a t n l P' < i^'"

out then, surely? i!,/^ • » E^^^ telltale pause). Lr-yes

Doork. Not many; | | VWmM -m a sort of way,

...m ,„v< in Stnv« In 1 iiiwllH WIMNlW// JM///'//. V know.

them as are in stays in, B ' HMM^W/lTwf UM/W '// ? mmm? * n z ti

mostly. * ' . I'/ i |M^^SP«/Mll^^^^ ' .^Hfc iW.. Then t/o«r

3/. 3f. a Si : nil | I l,WB^g^PlgOTi™^Sr# /';: entrance is down below

widen recollection that \ )lfS ill ■(■■Hfj jWRHB^/f «9PV bir'Central 'All

he is acquainted toith i ll/ , IlilHilK , ^ wEM^ -you'U see it written

one 0/ Me Counsel en- J ' I11 | 1 ^ere

W/ m Me case). i // i jlj^B^^^Iii'ii™ V/ T/te7. aJ. Haw—well,

Couldn't you take in , < ! itiBH^Hf//l | ^ ui not efac% a wit-

my card to Mr. Tan- / 'W^ ISH^MM'F/» if ly' Wmm' ?es+sTi'butI m interested

field? I'm sure he'11 IN jj M^3 I | ilwl » WImf m the ease, y know,

do anything he could ^ I li^^^WfWfM /^^teaB^L^^^f +1 T ' +1 °

for me. [> ^ ' II WKMMfflmWM\^^^^^^^k these Gentlemen Sir-

rm ,t- t mHm/////// wSMSM' nm 11 lwm& Wm^^m^^mmWmmm^% but they can t get m.

{The rest regard hxm ^. wM ffl//mM The I. S. No —but

with extreme dis- i llilK^ look here. I know the

favour, «« one <7"j% W&WwMMIm, Wm£$^^ criminals — 'tleast I

of unsportsmanlike /%\lmMMm^W^ don't mean to call 'em

Mtavwur. / MWWwSI^ that> y'know - hope

Doork. It won't be // A/mKM/Mmm-\&rW'%\ WwWtt'W$-'*~lMW , they're all innocent,

no use - there ain't // ft Iv 1^'» I'm sure. I like 'em

room in there as it is / / lipifii \\ all; with 'em,

for a billiard-cue— / ■'/ , '' iSHHP^^^^^^B MPmI^P^M*\W \\ and all that, lots of

leastwise (conmen- 7, / 7 S^^^^^^^^K »fePfW ll 1 times.

tiously), a stoutish one / x7|JHSj22j^^^^^^5rT£;-.. -~$SB&y> lllllwI^Rl^/ f *• \\ Doork. Ah, well, you

—but I '11 get it taken 'WmB^^^'~'' :':-5#^^»/Wlf^lP#W> ,;.|if 1 see they ain't dancin'

in for you, if you like. /;'^HK£T'^'-^^^^EBt^^WA.^ 1 to-day, Sir. (TAe I. S.

[7/c opens /7te o'oor a X// J^MfFWJmp^^^i^^s.^ \\ bustles aivay; there is a

very little, and passes /'/ JwMm/iSfv^^^^^^^^^l^^^^^*^^S§^ .^^P^^T^A ^ stir within; the portion

of the crowd in Court

dant within. // fWIfff/Wf X^^^^^" * ^ X- /" ' ^Aa^ is visible through

Junior Members oj / 1 //>'''/ \ ~- - ^/ie glass-doors heaves

the Junior Bar {in very («>T v , , , j T7 „„,. n • • i cofivulsivelv, and pre-

j T • / • " Iso—but look Atrc. I A-«<w tlie Lnniinals K .

clean white wigs, icith sently produces a stout

hauteur). Thqught^you had orders to let Counsel in before the | and struggling Q.C.). Make way there! Stand aside, Gentlemen,

please. Counsel coming out!

[(l.C. comes out, puffing, followed by his Clerk and a Client.

First W. W. {as the chasm in the crowd closes again). Now you

can let us in !

Doork. {stolidly). Not yet, Sir. (To other Doork.) _ I see that
party agen last night—you know—him as was here making all that
shindy day afore yesterday. I went and 'ad a drink with 'im.
Secoyid Doork. (interested). Ah, and 'ow was he ?
First Doork. Oh, same as usual—boozed. Told me he'd come up
from Glasgow for a week's spree—and he seems to be 'aving it, too.
Going 'ome Saturday, so he sez.

Second Doork. (grimly). He '11 be lucky if he gets there Saturday

general public? There ought to be some rule about that, if
there isn't.

Doork. So we do, Sir; feut if this_ gentleman's a friend oE

Mr. Tanfield's, and he arsks me to admit him, why you see-

The Junior Junior (witheringly). The convenience of mere
Members of the Bar must give way, naturally !

[The inside Attendant returns with card, which the Doorkeeper
unlocks the door to receive, and then shuts it to with a sharp
click, like a wild-beast-tamer.
Doork. {to the M. M., after perusing card by the dim light). I
told you it wouldn't be no use, Sir. "Please wait," it says.

[General movement of virtuous satisfaction at this to ell-merited
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