Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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"So will he," I observed, when Havelock was safe out of hearing,
He doesn't like retorts.


Sir H. Havelock-Allan. A. A. Baumann.

The sketch of Baumann evidently taken at the moment he heard the
announcement of poll at North Salford. Seems to have knocked him
rather of a heap. Was known in House as Cupid's Bowman ; a smart
able, useful Member, whom we shall all be glad to see back again.


" ' Over the Hills and far away !' follow yours faithfully Clement
Scott." This is the full title, and signed advice to the public given
on the frontispiece of his little shilling book published by Eglinton.
It is dedicated to Sir Edward Lawson—" right thing to do my
boy! "—and appropriately so, as if the Baron's memory runneth not
to the contrary, most if not all the articles in this author's little
holiday-book have appeared at some time or other in the D. T.t and
do not suffer any D.T.rioration by being bound up together in this
shilling volume. It tells of a visit to Hayling, where he picked up
health, strength, and an aspirate, when he went there ailing; he


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f A Poppylar Writer in Poppy Land.

tells of Suffolk, where a branch of the Great Punchian Family is
settled, known as The Suffolk Punches; he prattles of Honeymoon
Land, where he met the man with seven wives, each of whom had a
cat, and to each cat there was a kit, and to each wife a kit too, it is
to be hoped, in the shape otherwise of a trousseau, and of many other
pleasant restful places and refreshing jaunts he tells delightfully.
'' But of all the pleasant places in which his lines have fallen, commend
me," quoth the Baron,— and the lines he has written will send many
to these pleasant places—(But 0 the Trippers !)—of all these give me
the Flower Farm at Holy Vale and the Valley of Ferns." If the
reader cannot go to all the sweet resorts herein mentioned, let him he
induced by the first article to visit Holy Vale, and he will find
Clement Scott an admirable guide for "the" Scilly Season." Of course

our Not-yet-Dun-Scotls hath visited the Cyril-Flower-Farm on
the Norf oik Coast. Advice : Stand not on the money- order of your
going, but go at once, and stop there. As to money, remember your
Uncle dwells in Poppy Land, quoth their true friend,

The Travelled Baron de Book-Worms.
P.S.—A youthful shootist bought the Poppyland book because he
thought that it would tell him all about where to go popping. Also
a bashful suitor was misled by the title, hoping that in Poppy Land
he would learn how to " Pop—the question." The Learned Author
has not said one word about the "weasels that go pop," which, of
course, are natives of Poppy Land.


It surely sounds a pretty phrase,
Some poesy for woe it wins,

Commemorating roundelays
And troubadours and mandolins:

We seem to view some minstrel-boy
Beside his shatteredmusicmute,

The shattered string, the ruined

The Rift within the Lute.

How swift the slip from tune to
twang! [did;

Sweets bitter grow, as aye they
For e'en the Roman poet sang

" Surgit amari aliquid."
Our pigmy worries
turn us grey ;
And sorrows fierce
are less acute;
Our hearts are rid-
dled every day
With Rifts within
the Lute.

You envy Forttj-

A charming bride ..-

—subservient ■

To rival him were

something which
The dream of Ava-
rice transcends. tt
That charming

bride a mother

Whom Fortuna-

tus brands a

brute :

She mars his life's entrancing
His Rift within the Lute !

Then, Peregrine—he journeys

Unshackled, he by toil's routine:
By turns he quaffs a samovar
Or sherbet, as he shifts his

"Strongas ahorse!"—ah! there's
the string
That [snaps asunder—"to re-

He wanders, manufacturing
A Rift within his Lute.

And Dulcinea ! What a life !
Adoring crowds, adornments

And many fain to call her wife,
And sue her smiles in Belgrave

And yet her Fetch-and-carry

He heard her, while he pressed
his suit,

Sigh, " Bored to desperation! "—
A Rift within that Lute.

What need more trivial ills to

The freshly-furnished house
that shines,

The coxcomb's fashionable coat,
Both brushed and polished '' to
the nines,"
Both yielding to some fatal flaw ;
A crack ; a fiend who plays the
flute ;

Both, both examples of the law
Of Rift within the Lute.

Whate'er the dulcet instrument
We favour, still the lilt will

And with a gorgeous chalice blent
Oft lurks the tiny poisoned

1 'm not so spry myself to-night;

I '11 try a dose of arrowroot.
You'll own that Indigestion's

A Rift in any Lute!

"Walker Art Gallery."—Show commences this week at
Liverpool. The Walker was a Genius. But is this show all
"Walker," or the genuine article? Has Mr. J. L. Toole, of
Walker, London, anything to do with it? No doubt it's quite
" ' O.K.' Walker, Liverpool."

Political Prize Ring Riddle.—Why was the win of the Glad-
stonian Party at Newcastle like the triumph of a single-fisted
pugilist over his two-handed opponent ? Because the victory was
achieved with one "Morlev."

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in no case be returned, not even when accompanied by a Stamped and Addressed Envelope, Cover, or Wrapper. To this rule
there will be no exception.
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