Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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September 10, 1892.] PUNCH, OR THE LONDON CHARIVARI.



Tourist. "I see TotJ employ a good many Women about here, Farmer."

Farmer, "Have to do, Harvest-time, Sir; but for myself I much prefer Manual Labour!"

in TOWN.

Commodore Buncombe. Because I
know those infernal Tentonners, and

-Chartreuse jaune only makes me


William Sikes. Because of the
gross incompetence of my Counsel,
and the ridiculous adverse pre-
possessions of the Jury at my re-
eent appearance in public at the
C. C. C.

McStinger. Because there's bonny
braw air on the braes of Hampstead,
and it costs but a bawbee to get
intil it.

Fitz-Fluke. Because, since that
awkward affair at the Roulette Club,
my country invitations haven't come

Capel Courtney. Because those
beastly bucket-shops have collared
all our business.

JBumpshus, 31.P. Because the
Lords of the Treasury (shabby crew
of place-hunters) declined to adopt
my suggestion, and to place a trooper,
thoroughly well found, victualled,
and overhauled, at the disposal of
any Members of the Lower House
whose profound sense of duty, and
of the importance of the Imperial
Federation idea, impelled them to
take a six-months' trip round the
world at the nation's expense.

Theodore John Hook Straight.
Because of the old trouble—"got a
complaint in the chest."


Toper Major {over their third bottle of a Grand Vin). I
shay, ol' f'ler, neksh year thinksh'll go see ex'bishun at Ph-
Phipp—at Philup-popple-

Toper Minor. I know, ol'f'ler. You mean Philipoppoppo

—poppo- Toper Major. Thatsh it—shame place. Have

'nother bo'l! _ {They drink.

"The Speech of Monkeys.''—Professor R. L. Garner, who
is a great hand at "getting his Monkey up " (he was natu-
rally a bit annoyed at being, quite recently, accidentally pre-
vented from giving his Monkey lecture), is about to commence
operations by adapting the old song of ''''Let us be Happy
Together'''' to Monkey Language, when it will re-appear as
" Let us be Apey Together." It will be first given at
Monkey Island on Thames.

Cricketers who ought to be Good Hands at Plating
a Tie.—" The Eleven of Notts."


Walpurgis Brocken Night at
Crystal Palace last Thursday—Grand!
Jupiter Pluvius suspended buckets,
and celestial water-works rested
awhile to make way for Terrestrial
Fire-works. " Todgers's can do it
when it likes," as all Martin-Chuzzle-
witers know, and Brock can do it
too when he likes. A propos of
Dickens' quotation above, it is on
record that Mr. Pickwick was once
addressed as "Old Fireworks."
Where? When? and How? Mr.
Pickwick, we are led to infer by
the commentary thereon, somewhat
objected to the term, unless our
Pickwickian memory fail us—which
is not improbable—but Mr. Brock
would appropriate it to himself with
pleasure, and be "'proud o' the
title' as the Living Skeleton said."
Despite wind and weather, and con-
tretemps generally, Brock has never
brocken faith with the public.
"'Facta non verba" is his motto: and
" Facta " means (here) Fire-works.

" Great Britain and the Gil-
bert Islands."—Captain Davis of
H.M. Screw Cruiser Royalist, on
May 27, formally annexed "The
Gilbert Islands." Where was Sul-
livan ? Or is it that Sir Arthur,
having been annexed as a Knignt,
was unable to interfere ? Will
D'Oyly Carte explain?
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