Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale <al-Qāhira> [Hrsg.]; Mission Archéologique Française <al-Qāhira> [Hrsg.]
Recueil de travaux relatifs à la philologie et à l'archéologie égyptiennes et assyriennes: pour servir de bullletin à la Mission Française du Caire — 10.1888

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Nr. 3-4
DOI Artikel:
Edwards, Amelia Ann Blanford: The provincial and private collections of egyptian antiquities in Great Britain
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132 Provincial and Private collections, Great Britain.

Ta-ur-khati, Ptah.....and Bak-en-Ptah are omittccl. The last is, however, given from

a stela at Boulak (Lieblein, n° 832), though not from tlie Liverpool pyramidion.

(IV.) A leaf-shaped dish in green basait, said to bave been found at Edfû, engraved
with a dedication to Osiris.for a Judge nanied Ankh-f-ni, •¥- f son of one Sebak-

£^ 1 ^3 AAAAAA

hotcp, i—q—! and of a lady named benankh. Tins object measures 73/8fts of an inch
in lenglit, and dates probably from tbe XIII,h dynasty.
Translation : ,_

Royal oblation to Osi- ^ \ ^ ^ 2 ] ] g- (j~ tX^fê fl }\X
ris, Lord of Abydos, tbat lie

may give sepulcbral meals, y^^H^^^^j^^l-

bread,oxen,vegetables, geese,
to tbe Ka of tbe Judge Ankh-f-ni, who lives anew; born of tbe sister of tbe inaster of
the altar, Scbakhotcp who lives anew, born of tbe slave, Scn-Ankh, Lady of perfection.

(V.) A stibium-box in dark wood, car-
vcd in tbe form of a square pillar with scmi- Ç~^ | |j ®*ô 1 0 ^ )H.
circulai- corners, and fitted with a kohl-stick.
The following inscription is eut down one of tbe sides :

Translation :

'The priest of Amen of the second class, Nefer.'

(VI.) Another stibium-box, carved in wood, in the sbape of a
column with palm-capital, engraved with the accompanying legend for
a scribe named Hyk.

(VII.) Another spécimen, same design, but witb square abacus.

(VIII.) Fragment of dark wood, carved witb the subjoined
horizontal inscription : ~

Translation :

Royal oblation to Ra, Royal oblation to Osiris dwelling in Amenti [for] Asui, Living.
(IX.) An alabaster vase, in shape of a Greek Kalatbos, graven witb tbe Ka-name
(ordinarily callcd the 'banner-name') of king Khufu, builder of the Great Pyramid. This
interesting and important object measures 9 niches in
beiglit, and is about 5 stl,s of an inch in thickness.
IVft Dynasty. See Lepsius, Denkmiiler, Vol. 3. Abth. II.
Bl. 2. D.

(X.) A seated statue in black granité, of one Amen-
emha-t, Majordomo of tbe palace. This monument bas
been broken anciently, but is mended, and the parts are
perfect. The features, hands, and feet, are very finely
executed, and the work tbroughout is in tbe best style
of tbe XII"' dynasty. Height 23 inebes. Round tbe feet
is engraven tbe following inscription : ALABASTB^^sËôiTkniipn.

Ka-name of khufu on

alababter vase.