Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ludwig Rosenthal's Antiquariaat
Catalogue (Nr. 197): [Varia, Americana, astronomy, bibles, bibliography & typography, England, geography, Hebraica & Judaica, Italy, law & political science, the Low Countries, medicine, philology] — Hilversum: Ludwig Rosenthal's Antiquariaat, 1953

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199 —-. Biblia utriusque testamenti, summa cura, ac diligentia & collatione
multorum ac emendat. exemplarium excussa. Cum indice autem rerum
et sententiarum et interprète nomin. propr. Venet., ad Signum Spei
(in fine:) apud Cominum de Tridino Montisferrati, 1544. With wood-
cut vign. on title. Printed on blue paper. 4 to. Hf. blue morocco.
Caxton Exhib. 843. — Books from the first half of the 16th
century, printed on blue paper, destined mostly as gift or
dedication to great personalities, have been printed limited
only to 3 or 5 copies and are now mostly unique. — This bible has
been put on the Index. — A few Ivs. very slightly water-stained in the margins,
otherwise a very good copy.
200 —■. Biblia ad vetustissima exemplaria recens castig. (Lovan, theol.
cum praef. Hentenii.) Venet., Gryphius, sumptu Bevilaque, 1583. With
beautiful title-border (biblical representations) and many woodcuts in
the text, some nearly full page. 12 Ivs., 1126 pp. 4to. Hf. calf.
f 65.—
Le Long p. 616. This edition is formed from that of Hentenius and ornamented
with a profusion of good woodcuts most probably by M o n i. — Ownership entries
on title crossed out and slightly stained, some Ivs. browned, otherwise a good copy.
Biblische Figuren dess Alten und Neuwen Testaments, geordnet und
gestellt durch . . . Johann Bockspergern von Salzburg, den jungern,
und nachgerissen durch . .. Jost Amman von Zurych. Franckfurt a. M.,
Georg Raben, Sigm. Feyerabend und Weygand Hanen Erben, 1569.
Title in red and black, with 130 beautiful woodcuts and printer’s mark
at the end. 4 and 66 unnumb. Ivs., interleaved. Oblong 4to. Contemp.
blind tooled calf (worn). f 100.-—
Becker, Jost Amman, p. 11, g; Nagler, Monogramm. I, No. 2096;
V, No. 9; Nagler, Künstler-Lexicon II, p. 17. — Title mounted; some
traces of use; some MS. ownership—entries.
202 ■—. FÜRCK, Seb.) Biblioglyphe. Sive leones Biblicae, arte chalco-
graphica, et poetica, praecipuas S. Scripturae Historias perquam
eleganter repraes. Biblische Figuren, darinnen die vornemste Historien
künstlich in Kupfer entworfen, und mit schönen Reimen erläutert sind.
Latin, German and French text by J. Tanneberger, in verses. 3 parts
in 1 vol. Heidelberg 1671/74. With engr. by Seb. Fürck. Obi. 8 vo. Limp
vellum, worn. f 26.-—
Fusty stained.
203 —. MARIETTE, Pierre. Veter, et Novi Testamenti figurae. 233
plchs. 2 titres gravés, s.c. 2 parties en 1 vol. (Paris), Pierre Mariette,
ca. 1700). In-4-pbl. Cart. f 50.-—
L’ancien testam. cont. 156 fig., le nouv. 77 gr. Le texte en lat. et franç.-Planche 69
de la 1ère partie peu coloriée. Beaux tirages, bien conservés généralement. Non
cité par Brunet, Nagler et Le Blanc.
and Ancillary Subjects, with an appendix: Typography
204 (AGRICOLA.) Hans Baur (Pawr. A g r i c o 1 a.) 1577—1602. S. Leben u. s. Werke
(Hrsgeg. v. Ferdinandeum, Innsbr.) M. 1 Facsimile. 70 u. 20 SS. Br. f 4.—
Sep.-Abdr. a. d. Zeitschr. d. Ferdinandeums, 1888.
205 ARCHIVSTUDIEN z. 70. Geburtstage von W. Lippert. (29 Abhandlungen verseh.
Autoren) hrsg. v. H. Beschorner. Mit 1 Bildnis und 6 Abbildungen.
Dresden 1931. XII, 266 SS. In-gr.-8. Br. f 20.—
206 (—) SCHACHT, J. H., praes., Kosselius, A., resp.. De Archivis. Harderwijk
1777. 4 Ivs., 24 pp. 4to Sd. f 8.—

Ludwig Rosenthal’s Antiquariaat, ’s-Gravelandseweg 102, Hilversum-Holland. — Cat. 197