Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Ludwig Rosenthal's Antiquariaat
Catalogue (Nr. 197): [Varia, Americana, astronomy, bibles, bibliography & typography, England, geography, Hebraica & Judaica, Italy, law & political science, the Low Countries, medicine, philology] — Hilversum: Ludwig Rosenthal's Antiquariaat, 1953

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(Vesalius) p. 133/4 “This elaborate edit, was put out without regard to
expense. The typography is excellent and the plates skillfully engrav. Ball p. 129.
C h o u 1 a n t-F rank p. 183 : “Among the complete editions of Vesalius which
appeared with and without illustrations this is distinguished by its beauty and careful
preparation. The woodcuts of the principal work and of the Epitome are very
beautifully copied and engraved on copper in the original size. The title-page is
engraved after the ed. of 1543. The remaining wood engr. are copied entirely with
all the additions from the ed. of 1555.” —■ A very fine copy with a dedication leaf.
446 WALD, Georg am u. vom. Kurtzer Bericht wie was gestalt u. warumb
das Panacea am Waldina als ein einige Medicin wider d. Aussatz,
Frantzosen, Zauberische Zuständt, Pestilentz, Gifft etc. nach Weis d.
lapidi philosophici anzuwenden seye. Frankfurt, Nie. Bassaeus, 1592.
Mit Wappen des Autors in Holzschnitt. 92 Bll. In-4. Br. f 34.—
Proksch I, 460. Treatise on the Waldina panacea, the universal remedy for all
kinds of diseases.
447 ZWELFER, J. Animadversiones in pharmacopoeiam Augustanam et
annexam ejus Mantissam sive pharm. August, reformata. •— Appendix
ad animadversiones. Pharmacopoeia regia seu dispensatorium annexa
etiam Mantissa spagyrica. — Discursus apologeticus adv. Hippocratem
Chymicum O. Tackenii et Fr. Vemy. 4 parts in 1 thick fol. Nurem-
berg, Mich, and Joh. Frid. Endter, 1667-68. With two frontispieces,
many vignettes and figurated initials. Old blind tooled vellum, f 115.—
Zwelfer, a German chemist afterwards doctor’ in Vienna, died in 1668. The above
volume contains his collected works. — A few pages have insignificant tears not
affecting the text. Very good copy with bookplate of the library of Nordkirchen. —
gL'P See also nos. 28, 55, 99, 124, 136.
448 ACHARISIO, Alberto. Vocabulario, Grammatica, et Orthographia de
la lingua volgare d’Alberto Acharisio da Cento, con ispositioni di molti
luoghi di Dante, del Petrarca et del Boccaccio. Cento, in casa del
autore, 1543. 4 Ivs., 316. 4to. Old vellum. f 60.—
Brunet I, 36: “Ouvrage devenu rare.” De Batines, Dante I, 289.
Deschamps 305. This book, an early dictionary and grammar chiefly based on
Dante, Petrarca and Boccaccio, was privately printed in the author’s own house.
It is of great typographical interest being printed in peculiar, rather angular italics.
It is the only book ever printed at Cento, a small Italian town near Ferrara. First
edition. A very good, large copy.
449 ALTENSTAIG, Joh. Vocabularius vocum, quae in opere grammat.
plurim. continentur: brevis et vera interpretatio. Op. emend. & denuo
revisum ab auct. Cum addition. (In fine:) Hagenau, Henr. Gran, 1515.
Title (print, in red and black) surrounded by a nice woodcut border,
in which printer’s mark. With one woodcut initial. Print, with nice
Gothic types. 4, 94 Ivs. 4to. Original wooden boards, partly covered
with blind tooled calf (back little worn). f 85.—
Ritter, B i b 1. Alsace 40. Graesse I, 87. Altenstaig was prof, of theology
at Tubingen. The famous “poeta laureata” (by emp. Maximilian) Bebel (ca. 1500)
has written an epigram for this work. Some large wormholes throughout, otherwise
a fine copy.
450 BIBLIOTHèQUE LATINE-FRANÇAISE. Collection of the Latin
classic authors. With the French translation on the opposite page. 178
parts. Published by C. L. F. PANCKOUCKE. Paris, Panckoucke 1825-
39. Second series. Ibid. 1842-49. 32 vols. •— Iconographie de la Biblio-
thèque Latine-Française. 1 vol. Ibid. 1835. 4to. — Palaeographie des
classiques latins, receuil de facsim. par CHAMPOLLION, M. A. Ibid.
Ludwig Rosenthal’s Antiquariaat, ’s-Gravelandseweg 102, Hilversum-Holland. •— Cat. 197