Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Schlagintweit, Hermann von; Schlagintweit, Adolf; Schlagintweit, Robert von
Results of a scientific mission to India and High Asia: undertaken between the years MDCCCLIV and MDCCCLVIII, by order of the court of directors of the hon. East India Company (Band 3): Route-book of the western parts of the Himálaya, Tibet, and Central Asia: and geographical glossary from the languages of India and Tibet, including the phonetic transcription and interpretation — Leipzig, 1863

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Aghag&nj, in Audh, Lat. 26°, Long. 82°................ Ul Turk. Hind.

"Lord's market."

Ahmadabad, in Gujrat, Lat. 22°, Long. 72°............ obt tX+^l Arab. Pers.

"Ahmad's town." Ahmad, praised, is frequently used as a personal name.

Anal. Ahmad-nagar, in the Dekhan, Lat. 19°, Long. 74°; in Gujrat, Lat. 23°, Long. 73°;
in Hindostan, Lat. 27°, Long. 78°, &c; Ahmad-pur, in the Panjab, Lat. 28°, Long. 70°,
Lat. 29°, Long. 71°, Lat, 30°, Long. 71°, &c., &c.

Ajmir, in Eajvara, Lat. 26°, Long. 75°...................^V*^' Hind.

Lassen, Ind. Alt,,1 Vol. I., p. Ill, translates Aja-midha by a capro mictum, and considers it
as a kind of name of contempt given to this place by the inhabitants of the adjacent
districts.—Wilson, Skr. Diet, considers it to be a surname of the king Yudishtfra, and to
signify loved by the unborn (by Vishnu). The separation, however, into Ajam and idha,
the former being the accusative, is also objected to by Bohtlingk and Roth.

Akaligarh, in the Panjab, Lat. 32°, Long. 73°........... jcjS Hind.

Akali, immortal, is the name adopted by a tribe of the Sikhs.
Akbarabad, in Hindostan, Lat. 27°, Long. 78°............ obi Arab.Pers.

"Akbar's city." Akbar, the greatest, a personal name. This is the name given to Agra
by the Mussalmans, in honour of the great Mogul emperor of this name.

Anal. Akbar-pur, in Malva, Lat. 22°, Long. 77; in Hindostan, Lat. 26°, Long. 80°, Lat, 27°,
Long. 77°, Lat. 27°, Long. 79.

Aksu, in Turkistan.............................. y° ^ Turk-

"White water." Name of several rivers in Turkistan; the epithet white generally refers to
a greyish colour produced by suspended matter -washed down from the glaciers and their

Anal. Ak-tagh, tvhitc mountain, in Turkistan, Lat. 36°, Long. 77°. Ak-tash, ivhite stone,
in Turkistan, Lat. 40°, Long. 71°.

Akyab, in Arrakan, Lat. 20°, Long. 92°................. Berm.

According to Colonel Phayre this name is derived from that of a pagoda situated near this
town, called: Akyab-dau-kun, royal jawbone hillock, from a jawbone of Gautama's being
buried here. Thornton's Gazetteer, p. 20.

Alampiir, in Maissiir, Lat. 15°, Long. 78°................^ l*l_c Arab.Hind.

"Standard town."

1 Ind. Alt, is, in this Glossary, the abbreviation for Indische Alterthumskunde.