Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 3.1894

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Series A.—Designs for Industrial Purposes.


(X.) Insurance Company s Advertisement .......... ii

•(XI.) Lincmsta- Walton .............. xi

(XII.) Ceiling Paper............' xvi

(XIII.) Horn-Book............... xvi

(XIV.) Biscuit Tin ... ............ xxv

(XV.) Cloth Bindings.............. xxxvii

(XVI.) Poster for Photographic Salon........... . . xliii

(XVII.) Window Bill............... xlvi

Series B.—Drawings for Reproduction.

(I V.) Copy of a Photograph in Pen and Ink .......... ii

(V.) Street Scene............... xii

(VII.) Single Figure............... xvii

(VIII. > Pictorial Ex Libris.............. xxviii

(IX.) Portrait in Pen and Ink............. xxxviii

(X.) Menu Card in Pen and Ink............ xlvi

Series C.—Designs for Amateurs' Work.

(IV.) Carved Wooden Box............. iv

(V.) Fireplace................ xiii

(VI.) Embroidered Book Cover............' xviii

(VII.) Portiere in Applique"Embroidery . . ........ . . xxix

(VIII.) Finger-Plates in Gesso............. xxxix

(IX.) Embroidered Dessert Doyley ............ xlvi

Series D.—Photographs from Nature.

(I.) Studies of Clouds.............. xlvii

Books Reviewed—

V Annie en Images, edited by J. Grand-Carteret......... xli

Art Decorator, The (Hodder & Bros.)........... xli

Blackburn, Henry, The Art of Illustration............ xxxiv

Briggs, R. A., Bungalows and Country Residences. (One Illustration) ..... xxiii

Cole, Grenville A. J., The Gipsy Road (Two Illustrations) »....... xv

Conder, Josiah, Landscape Gardening in fapan .......... xv

Cranage, S., Churches of Shropshire ............ xli

Day, Lewis Foreman, The Anatomy of Pattern, Nature in Ornament, Planning of Ornament,

Some Principles of Every-day Art (Two Illustrations)........ vii

Ellis, F. S., History of Reynard the Fox ........... x

Garnett, Edward, An Imaged World............ xxiii

Gotch, T. Alfred, Architecture of the Renaissance in England (Two Illustrations) . . . viii

Green Pastures (Elliot Stock)............. xxxvii

Hamilton, Walter, Dated Book-Plates........... xxxv

Harper, C. G., A Practical Handbook of Drawing for Modern Methods of Reproduction . . xxiii

Harris, Thomas, Three Periods of English Architecture . . - - • • . xxxvi

Hinton, A. Horsley, VArt Photograpkique . . . . . '. . . . xlii
fackson, Frank G., Theory and Practice of Design, Lessons on Decorative Design (One

Illustration) ................ xxv

Lethaby, W. R., Lead-work (Two Illustrations) .......... xxxiii

Lincham, RayS., The Street of Human Habitations ......... x

Paul, Rowland W., Vanishing London........... x

Peters, Theodore W., The Tournament of Love .......... xxxvi

Portfolio, The (Secley & Co.)............. x

Raymond, George Lansing, Art in Theory ........... xxxv

Redgrave, Gilbert R., Erhard Ratdolt and his Work at Venice ....... xli

Rowe, Eleanor, Hints on Wood-Carving ........... x

Ruskin, John, Letters to a College Friend, Verona, and other Essays ...... xxiii

School Field Magazine (Longmans & Co.) ........... xlii

Salwey, Charlotte N., Fans of Japan (One Illustration) ........ vii

Seitei, Watanabe, Bird Studies............. xli

Stephens, F. G., Dante Gabriel Rossetti ........... xxxvi

Technological Examinations, Programme of(Whittaker & Co.) ....... xliii

Ullman, Hermann, Sandro Botticelli............. xxxi

Weale, Bookbindings and Rubbings of Bindings .......... xxxv

Williams, John, Elementary Wood-Carving........... xli

Wood, Esther, Dante Rossetti and the Pre-Raphaelite Movement . ...... viii

The Lay Figure at Home........... . . vi, xiv, xxii, xxx

., ,, in the Country .............. xl, xlviii
