Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 16.1899

DOI Heft:
No. 71 (february 1899)
DOI Artikel:
Mourey, Gabriel: Some recent work by Alexandre Charpentier
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Recent tVork by A. Charpentiev

latter produced at the Sarreguennines works; M. whole exhibition is the clock by MM. Alexandre

Dampt shows a dining-room door and some Charpentier and Tony Selmersheim. It is a work

jewellery work, including a watch-case—Les Heures of art of the highest merit, a work of definite

—very delicately modelled. M. Plumet, whose value, and will without doubt be regarded as one

architectural and decora- of the finest achievements

tive abilities are becoming in our modern renaissance

more and more marked, of decorative art. I trust

contributes a scheme for I shall not offend M. Sel-

a dining-room, which will J%J$ mersheim, nor be thought

shortly be reproduced in /^J|| t0 disParaSe his ability m

logical furniture, together . ■-jflSgF desire a more harmonious

with several sets of fire- ^S^^^ pedestal for his group, nor

die-holders, which reveal i'l for his bas-reliefs. M.

much originality and j fjL f '( Selmersheim has balanced

genuine progress in his 1 j ,—aj— his design most admirably ;

manner of treating metals. JH the gradual swell of the

Among the new-comers JKa linCS around the dial is

M. Jules Desbois and Wi^fer iljffBr gracefully contrived, while

Mile. Halle alone appear as for that portion of the

to me to claim attention, ' W^^MflTW ? Cl°Ck Whi°h ^ pendu~

the former—a sculptor of M Mpl|B flH lum °Perates> all difficulties

the first rank—by his ^^EtoA JH have been very happily

pewter work, notably Les HUi ,' \ U / overcome by utilising the

Libellules and Papillon; ^HM width required at the base

the latter by her enamelled to give the necessary air

jewellery, which is charm- of solidity to the whole

ingly designed, although t&iriflk !'f design. Moreover, he has

somewhat primitive in 9 B^^_ chosen his wood with great

execution. A good ex- fi I. | ^ discernment. Padouk,

ample is her mantle- J) \ strongly veined with red

buckle, composed of a A!|MMBW> .......1111........*W'"WMi^lilMII1lt on a Srouno- °f violet-pur-
pair of dolphins. The jc—" s^M*^aiW^Mfel pie, forms a material at
carpets by M. A. Jorrand, once rich and sober, one
the complicated and some- clock, group and bas-reliefs which, so far from detract-
what ill-balanced chair by by alexandre charpentier ■ frqm the effect of the

- r . , , „ . . woodwork by tony selmersheim ..... ...

M. Angst, and the furni- gilded bronze — a dull

ture decorated with mar- gold verging on green—

queterie call for no further remark, except this, that throws it up and supports it.

while the marqueterie itself is delightful, it cannot Nothing could be more exquisite than this

redeem the rather feeble design of the furniture it group of Charpentier's, La Fuite de PHeure. None

adorns. Work such as this may be seen in a but a master, an artist of the first rank, excep-

thousand " modern style " shops. tionally gifted, and, by dint of long experience,

Unquestionably the finest production in the possessed of every technical resource, endowed,