Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 16.1899

DOI issue:
No. 71 (february 1899)
DOI article:
Mourey, Gabriel: Some recent work by Alexandre Charpentier
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Recent Work by A. Charpentier

^^^^^H|^nnHMHHHHHHHH|HMHjH|HHjjH lids,designated respectively

^jferm'iiiWi.ia^H^—^-^nrrnifg^ ' '• Les Dominos, La Peinture,


Za Sculpture, Le Violon,
Le Chant, and Les Echecs.
j~r? ' ft • The last named is repro-

1 jf duced here.

An indefatigable worker,
ever in Huest of fresh


HFjiai^^., 1 modes of expression, hold-

ing nothing in contempt
which may pertain to his
art, bringing to bear on
his decorative efforts all

______ __ the plastic gifts of a sculp-

tor of the highest order,

•'les echecs" silver box-lid by Alexandre charpentier vivifying his "pure art"

efforts by means of a

one, however, can resist the seduc- thoroughly decorative regard

tiveness, the affecting harmony for synthetical expression,

of these delightful forms. |HflK2PMHH||H Charpentier is carrying out a

The same may be said of the \ * , .jjfc work in which his contempo-

three low-reliefs in the pedestal *^X? / raries may wel1 take pride"

representing the Fates—Les Trots He is now engaged on a gigan-

Parques. The delicacy, the • •' ^' tic piece of low-relief work—Za

grace, the delightful unconven- W^KBP^jjSat^Sl Famille du Menuisier, in the

tionality with which Charpentier style of his Boulangers; and

has treated them is further proof ^^^^^sSSS^^ bY waY of relaxation he is turn-

of the fact that in the hands of ing -his attention to designing

an artist of original temperament ;_x-z==r: .« complete sets of furniture for

thtre is no such thing as a trite drawing-rooms, dining-rooms,

subject, everything lending itself plaquette and bedrooms, his aim being

to individual treatment by one ' ' to revive, in a manner strictly

who can handle it with know- practical and appropriate to
ledge and resource.

M. Charpentier's other exhibits,
although of less importance, neverthe-
less demand equal attention. First of
all there are some of the plaquette

medals of which he has made a speci- >ffljr*fytffl

ality, and in which he easily excels.* WMWMK$

Carre, the amiable manager of the Opera '' J. ^

cover of Le Prince Zilah), &c, and

exquisite portraits of a child and a young J \

girl. We also have the medal of the " .- ' i"

" Society des Amis des Livres," and

two bon-bon boxes, representing Le 1 . jr * t

Chant and La Harpe, and a set of six ta" ,

playing-card boxes in leather with silver J

* Witness the work he was commissioned to '.' ,V~ W

execute by M. de Foville, on behalf of the IIEiHHii^H^IHE^^jHlMMMtftfii^HHH

Administration de a Monnaie. It is styled La

Peinture (See The Studio, vol. xv. p. 22.) ." portrait of m. albert carre" by a. charpentier
