Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 16.1899

DOI issue:
No. 71 (february 1899)
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in important buildings that have been recently the lines are formal and dignified, and the manner
erected at Glasgow. The seated Mercury is for of handling adopted by the sculptor is perfectly
Messrs. James Salmon and Sons' new block of judicious. He has well understood the purposes
" Commercial Chambers" in Bothwell Street, to which his work was to be applied, and has
where it serves as a prominent feature in the kept it thoroughly in sympathy with architectural
external design. It is placed under a canopy necessities,
above the main entrance, and gives a touch of

necessary variety to a street front of a somewhat All earnest students of contemporary art must
severe and ponderous design. The four figures, own a debt of deep gratitude to the directors of the
emblematical of Industry, Commerce, Locomotive New Gallery and to the owners of pictures by the
Transit, and Steamship Transit, mark appropriately late Sir Edward Burne-Jones. Through the energy
the purposes of the Caledonian Low Level Station, of the former and the generosity of the latter, such
of which Mr. John Burnet, A.R.S.A., is the archi- a collection of his works has now been gathered
tect. They stand at the angles of a corner building together as has never been seen before, as in all
planned as a half hexagon, and break the con- probability will never be seen again. It is no slight
tinuity of the parapet, above which the figures piece of self-sacrifice to deprive oneself, even for a
rise for about half their height. The treatment of month or two, of a favourite picture, to leave blank
the design in each case is severe and restrained, the space to which the eye is wont to turn for

gratification, and above
all to submit one's
treasures to the risks
incidental to even the
most skilled and careful
handling, and the readi-
ness with which the
happy possessors of
these masterpieces
have responded to the
appeal addressed to
them in the interests
of the public cannot
be too thankfully com-
mended. With the
single exception of the
great Briar Rose series,
which are so framed as
to make their removal
a matter of extreme
difficulty, every notable
picture is here, and the
three rooms contain,
indeed, an almost com-
plete representation of
the life-work of the
painter. Many, of
course, have been seen
before, though none
can be seen too often,
but there are thirty-
seven which have never
yet been exhibited,
others only shown
many years ago, before

sculptured figures by derwent wood the artist withdrew
