Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 16.1899

DOI issue:
No. 71 (february 1899)
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Studio- Talk

appreciation of the excellence of the various
products from some of the impoverished dis-
tricts of Ireland resulted in a most substantial
financial success.

This was largely due to the technical skill
and artistic taste infused even into the peasant
cottage industries, noticeably in the needlework
and embroideries from various districts, the
copper and brass repousse work from Fivemile-
town, county Tyrone, and the Killarney furni-
ture industry. Many of the specimens ex-
hibited proved undoubtedly that, with good
organisation and training, useful home arts may
be profitably cultivated even in remote districts
of the British Islands. H. B. B.


LASGOW.—About one hundred
and sixty figures, to the scale of
one-and-a-half inches to the
foot, were submitted by sculp-
tors in the competition for the
"Liverpool imtorts stock and animal products" eight seated statues in Dumfrieshire stone in-

panel by conrad dressler tended to crown the pavilions of the new Art

Galleries. This part of the work was set
By the aid of Mr. T. Stirling Lee, a thorough aside from the rest, as recorded in our July
scheme was drawn up to supply the vacant bases, number, and the competition terminated at the be-
pedestals, panels, friezes, &c, with sculpture
decoration as indicated in Elmes' original
design, and within the last ten years the muni- B
cipality has carried out a small portion of this '
scheme, commencing with a series of twelve
panels on the East Front, six on each side of
the Portico.

The first six, illustrating the Growth of
Justice, were executed by Mr. Stirling Lee.
The recently added six corresponding panels,
representing National Prosperity—given in our
illustrations—are the work of Mr. Chas. J.
Allen, Mr. Conrad Dressier, and Mr. T. Stir-
ling Lee respectively.


Probably, with the growing taste in England
for sculpture, the more important groups and
figures to fill the vacant bases and pedestals
may gradually be proceeded with, and, it is to
be hoped, upon a scale worthy of so noble a
design. _

The recent exhibition of the Irish Industries
Association, held in the spacious hall, attracted « Liverpool, a fishing village, gives her sons the

a large and distinguished company, whose boat and net " panel by t. Stirling lee
