Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 16.1899

DOI Heft:
No. 71 (february 1899)
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Studio- Talk

teenth century, may be mentioned. Secondly, the
movement in favour of Applied Art has been steadily
gaining ground. This latter movement is practically
in the hands of two societies. One, known as " Art
in Public Life," with men like Frans van Kuyck,
Max Rooses, Albrecht de Vriendt, Eugeen Geefs;
the other " De Scalden," consisting solely of younger
artists, old pupils of the Antwerp Art Academy and
students of the Art Institute of this city.

The former society lately arranged an exhibition
in the rooms of the Kunst-verbond (Art Union),
where a great many beautiful and noteworthy things
were to be seen, especially some flags for various
Antwerp societies, after designs by Mertens, Van
Kuyck and van Leemputten, vases, candelabra,
inkstands, &:c., all very modern in feeling and in the
best taste. There were also some very good pieces
of embroidery, including a triptych by Mrs. de Mont
and Mrs. Verdeyen ; another, a very beautiful one,
by Miss Verbueken. Some framed ironwork by
Hansen, of Antwerp, and van Boeckel, from Lier,
are also worthy of especial mention.

" De Scalden " have also had an exhibition. They

did the thing quite smartly, and though only
masters of very small means, they had the courage
to publish a very beautiful Year-book, in two volumes,
the first containing contributions from the pens of
various Flemish poets and authors, and illustrations
by van Offel; and the second containing a number
of illustrations of the best work seen at the
"Scalden" Exhibitions during 1897-98. This
last exhibition was devoted almost exclusively to
applied art. A very original Plan for a Club-
house, by a young but very promising artist, van
Averbeke; stained-glass windows by Leopold
Muller, beautiful and rich in tone ; some furniture
by van Perck; a medallion by Julius Baetes ; wood
engravings by Edward Pellens, who has at last
thrown over the old conventional style, which has
prevailed in Belgium, to adopt the grand bold sweep
of the Diirer line — those were among the most
noteworthy exhibits. Also worthy of high praise
were Doudelet's three illustrations for " Ridder
Halewijn"; the ivory carvings by Dupon, Geleyn,
and Strymans ; some quaintly-framed ironwork by
Verhees ; the illustrations by Collens, van Neste,
and van Offel; and the posters by the English
designer, Hassal. P. de M.

disillusioned [See Sydney Studio-Talk) by p. van der velden
