Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 36.1906

DOI issue:
No. 154 (January, 1906)
DOI article:
Reviews and notices
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minutely the glazed tiles, tiled mosaics, carved
wood and stucco used in its decoration, that form,
he says, literally part and parcel of the buildings.

L'Arte Mondiale alia VI. Esposione de Venezia.
By Vittorio Pica. (Bergamo.) Lire 8.—The
series of art monographs now being published at
Bergamo deserve to be better known in England
than they are, for they are both well written and
well illustrated. The present volume is from the
pen of one of the best living Italian art-critics, and is
devoted to the sixth exhibition of Venice. It will
be welcomed by all who saw the last fine collection
of contemporary paintings, and probably still more
by those who were denied that privilege.

A few further additions to the juvenile literature
of the season call for brief notice here. Mrs.
Hodgson Burnett’s latest story, A Little Princess
(F. Warne & Co.), 6s., is written in that fascinating
style which has won for the gifted author of “ The
Little Lord Fauntleroy” so many admirers. The
coloured illustrations by H. Piffard are an attractive
feature of this charming book. Messrs. Jack have
added five more volumes to their interesting series
“Told to the Children”—Water Babies, Robinson
Crusoe, Nursery Rhymes, Little Plays, and Tales
from Shakespeare, the last being especially com-
mendable. These little books, with their dainty
binding, clear print, and pleasing illustrations in
colour, are sure of a warm welcome from children
to whom they are given. Mr. Arthur Sjogren’s
coloured illustrations to Broderna Grimm’s Sagor
(Bjorck & Borjesson, Stockholm) have an un-
mistakably Scandinavian flavour about them both
in their drawing and colour schemes. Mr. Ernest
Nister’s publications comprise, as usual, a number of
story-books, all made attractive by a plethora of pic-
tures. An excellent edition of Washington Irving’s
Christmas at Bracebridge Hall figures amongst

We have received from Messrs. Dietrich & Co.,
of Brussels, a coloured etching by A. Brouet en-
titled Whistler’s Mother (^5 $s.). M. Brouet has
achieved a remarkable success in his rendering of
this great work, in which, as an eminent critic
remarks, the art of Whistler reached its highest
manifestation. The plate has been etched direct
from the original in the' Luxembourg, and making
due allowance for the difference of medium,
the tones and values of the original have been
reproduced with striking fidelity. The size of the
plate is 19 ins. by 2if ins., and the edition is
limited to 250 signed proofs.


N0VEMBER27TH, 1905.—Saleof seventy-five pictures, com-
prising the Earl of Cork and Orrery’s collection removed
from Marston Frome. At Christie’s : —

Sir J. Reynolds... Richard Boyle, Earl of Shannon 650 gs.
Holbein . Gentleman in black dress and

crimson sleeves .105 ,,

Sir Peter Lely ... Mary, Lady Broghill.135 ,,

Hoppner .Edmund, Eighth Earl of Cork

and Orrery.155 ,,

Morland .Rocky Coast Scene .270 ,,

,, .A Coast Scene .150 ,,

S. Slaughter ... Juliana, Viscountess Skerrin, as a

Shepherdess.300 ,,

Van der Heist ... A Lady in black brocaded dress... 220 ,,
Cooper Henderson The Exeter and Lynn Mail (a pair) 135 ,,

A. Cuyp . Cattle and Milkmaid.330 ,,

(Unknown) ... Richard Boyle .450 ,,

*% Of whom the only other known portrait is
at Lismore.

December 4TH. —The Ernest Cronier sale at the Georges
Petit Gallery, Paris : —

Fragonard.Le Billet-Doux.^17,600


Gainsborough ...

99 .

Lawrence .

Romney (reputed) .

Nattier .

Watteau .


La Tour

„*« Formeily in the collection of the Baron
Feuillet de Conches.

La Liseuse. £7,200

*** Formerly in the Marquis de Cypierres and
the Comte de Kergorlay’s collections.

Sir John Campbell ... ... £2,600

Meditation (in Gouache) ... 2,600

Miss Day . 2,400

Lady Hamilton. 1,200

Madame Tocque. 2,500

Les Amants endormis . 6,080

*** Formerly in the Due de Narbonne’s

Le Volant . £5,600

*** The well-known battledoor-and-shuttlecock
portrait of which many engravings are extant.
Earl and Countess of Coventry... ,£4,300
*** Pair of portraits in pastels.

December 9TH.—At Christie’s:—

P. de Koning ... Landscape.2,100 gs.

Canaletto . Views of Venice (four) . 340 ,,

Sir J. Reynolds... Portrait of a Lady. 200,,

Gainsborough ... View on the Orwell. 420,,

Romney (reputed). Ralph Willett. 250,,

December 12th.—Sale of engravings at Christie’s : —

J. R. Smith ... Nature (open letter proof) ... 210^-j.

Lady Hamilton, after Romney.

,, ... Delia in Town (in colours) ... 108 ,,

After Morland.

Bartolozzi ...

J. Jones ...
W. Dickinson

... Rustic Employment and Rural

Amusement (a pair in colours) 130 ,,
After Morland.

... Lady Elizabeth Foster^ incolours) 120,,
After Sir J. Reynolds.

... Miss Farren (in colours). 175 ,,

After Lawrence.

... Emma Lady Hamilton (incolours) 230 ,,
After Romney.

.., Lady Taylor (with untrimmed but

torn margin) .100 ,,

After Sir J. Reynolds.

December i6th.—At Christie’s: —

Whistler .Sir Henry Irving as Philip IL. 4,800,,

Sargent .Ellen Terry as Lady Macbeth 1,200 ,,
