Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 54.1912

DOI Heft:
No. 226 (January 1912)
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Studio- Talk

the same suite are pre-eminently Russian and are
in fact akin to those in vogue in the seventeenth
and eighteenth centuries before Western European
motifs gained a foothold.

' thy world to me is evil and i will re-
nounce it" (dostoevsky). by i. joukoff


OSCOW.—We give on pp. 334-5 illus- "that accursed city!" by i. joukoff

trations of two pieces of dining-room <SeeSL Petersburg Studio-Talk)

furniture executed in the ateliers of the

Zemstvo of Moscow from designs by —|—^ HE HAGUE.—The Dutch artist Willem
the well-known painter Apollinaris Vasnetzoff, who, Hamel is an ardent lover and a zealous

like various other Russian painters, has devoted a student of nature. An indefatigable

considerable share of his talents to applied and JL worker, he has devoted his life to the
decorative art. The ornamental motifs on these solving of her enigmas, the reading of her inmost
pieces of furniture and on others forming part of heart, the listening to her mighty voice. Dwell-
ing apart from the great centres of business
and traffic and turmoil and toil, he keeps " the
noiseless tenor of his way " in one of the
most beautiful parts of Holland. In fact, he
inhabits a small house in the midst of the
heaths near Apeldoorn, in the hilly province
of Gelderland, where so many of our foremost
landscapists have divided their lives between
;I plain living and high thinking." Not always
duly and justly appreciated in his own country,
he has not suffered himself to be deterred ; he
has followed the lead of " Monna Natura,"
communed with her in her most solemn and
silent haunts, and the Paradise lost in the
worldly struggle became a Paradise regained in
the " leafy luxury" and intimate recesses of
"from round the corner" by i. jookoff" nature.
