Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Studio: international art — 87.1924

DOI Heft:
No. 371 (February 1924)
DOI Artikel:
[Notes: two hundred and twenty-one illustrations]
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LONDON.—^During December and
January an exhibition of much interest
was held in the North Court of the
Victoria and Albert Museum. It was
organised by the Association of Old Stu-
dents of the Royal College of Art, and in
it were brought together works in various
branches of art practice by painters,
sculptors, designers and craftsmen, living
and dead, whose names are recorded on
the students' roll of the College. Among
the deceased artists represented were such
prominent men as Sir H. Herkomer, Sir
E. J. Poynter, Sir J. J. Shannon, E. J.
Gregory, F. E. James, James Charles,
Claude Hayes, and Havard Thomas,
and among those still living Sir Luke
Fildes, Mr. Alfred Gilbert, Mr. H. E.
Crockett, Mr. H. Morley, Mr. St. George
Hare, Mr. Philip Connard, Mr. W.
Shackleton, Mr. James Clark, Mr. G.
Clausen, Mr. Harold Speed, Mr. Richard
Jack, Mr. H. Watson, Mr. W. de Glehn,
Mr. Francis Black, Mr. Alfred Hartley,
and Mr. Alexander Fisher, the President
of the Association. Many important
examples of different kinds of applied art
were also exhibited. 000

(New English Art Club Exhib.)

Of the other shows held recently the
chief were those of the New English Art
Club and the Pastel Society. On the
whole, the new English Art Club was less
interesting than usual as the more accom-
plished members were inadequately repre-
sented and the proportion of freakish
experiments was unduly large. A portrait
group by Professor Tonks, some water-
colours by Mr. Wilson Steer, a superb
tinted drawing by Mr. Muirhead Bone,
and some characteristic things by Mr. F.
Pegram, Mr. C. E. Cundall, Mr. John
Platt, Miss K. Clausen, and Mr. H.
Rushbury, were the most noteworthy
contributions. 0000

The Pastel Society’s exhibition was
thoroughly comprehensive and much of
the work in it was of satisfying quality.
The flower studies by Mr. Melton Fisher,
the landscapes by Mr. Terrick Williams,
Mr. Leonard Squirrell, Mr. J. R. K.
Duff, Mr. Leonard Richmond, and Miss
Mary Yates, the portraits by Mr. Harland
Fisher, Mr. Cohen, and Mrs. Anning Bell,
the studies of animals by Mr. Wardle,
and the drawings by Mr. G. L. Stampa,
Mr. Hanslip Fletcher, and Mr. Frank
Gillett, claimed particular consideration,
and there were other works of high rank
by Miss Airy, Mr. Davis Richter, Mr.
Borough Johnson, Mrs. Granger-Taylor,
and Mr. R. C. Wilkinson. As a demon-
stration of the wide applicability of the
pastel medium the show was especially
valuable. 00000
To the list of recent exhibitions must be
added Mr. G. Belcher's collection of
humorous drawings— admirable in char-
acter and sureness of draughtsmanship—
and Mr. W. Tyndale's pleasant water-
colours of Italian subjects, in the galleries
of the Fine Art Society, the vigorous
studies of Irish life by Mr. J. B. Yeats
at the Gieves Gallery and the delicate and
sensitive water-colours by Mr. Alfred
Hayward at the Leicester Galleries. 0
The reproduction given here of a
coloured dry-point by Mr. Edgar L.
Pattison claims special attention as an
example of a new method of printing
from a single plate, a method which
gives more brilliant results than are
obtainable with aquatint and which has
the great advantage of retaining in the
