Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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BONE, Herbert A., IVood-
croft, Alleyn Park, Dulwich,London.
Mr. Bone is a painter, and lias also
devoted himself to several branches
of applied art—tapestry, glass, clay
and stencilling. The frieze illus-
trated here, “The Pilgrim’s Way,” is
executed throughout by stencilling
in full tint by new methods, per-
mitting entire freedom of varying
the grouping and combination (to
avoid repetition) and the spacing so
as to be adaptable to any length or
division of wall. The first panel
represents “ The Knight and his
Meinie,” and the second “ The Ox-
wain.” The latter is from a copy
belonging to H.R.H. The Duke of
Saxe-Coburg-Gotha. The stencils
took four years to design and cut,
and are in separate
sets for figures, land-
scape, trees (which
divide the frieze) and
foreground of three
plates each, with sil-
houette shields for
figures and trees to
preserve spaces for
them when working
off the background,
and render use of
body-colour unneces-
sary. The material is
unprimed linen, and
only transparent (di-
luted) oil colour is
used. Mr. Bone’s de-
signs in tapestry
(woven at Windsor)
include the “Arthur”
and “Galahad” panels
at Aldenham, and the
“ Alfred ” hangings at
Tyntesfield, Somerset.
His oil paintings
“How the Danes came
up the Channel,”
“ Lighten mine eyes”
window designed by an4 “ Launcelot
j. bowie for oscar were exhibited at the
paterson and co. Royal Academy.

BOWIE, John, io Blythswood Square,
Mr. Bowie is associated with Mr. Oscar Pater-
son, the well-known Glasgow artist in stained
glass. His window, “ Aucassin and Nicolete,”
is illustrated here. He also designs and
executes leadwork.
BRANGWYN, Frank, A.R.A., R.E.,
Temple Lodge, Queen Street, Hammersmith,
As a painter, etcher and designer, Mr. Brang-
wyn stands in the foremost rank of British
artists. His mural paintings have gained him
especial distinction, and they adorn some of the
most important buildings erected, both in
England and on the Continent, in recent years.
His work, in every branch of art which he
follow's, is well known to readers of The Studio,
where it has frequently been illustrated ; and
in The Studio Year Books for 1906 and 1908
coloured plates of a pergola and a mural
painting by him appeared. The sketch illus-
trated on page 43 shows a portion of a frieze
which he is executing for the Grand Trunk
Railway’s offices in Cockspur Street, London.
Owing to the great length of this frieze it is not
possible to give the complete design. One of
Mr. Brangwyn’s most notable achievements in
mural decoration is his panel “ Modern Com-
merce ” in the Royal Exchange, London, pre-
