Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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Ages of Life, by F. Drake [i Fn.-ravings).............. US

Agricultural Machinery DeparXienl --------............ 124

Alhaiubrn Store, liy Stow.1tl.iii -1 Sa ill . Sheffield_____ 323

Alpha Clock, by Roberts (2 Engravings!______......... 274

Amazon, by Kiss.............................________ 37

American Starbuck Plough_______.................... I7S

Ancient Briton looking out as -'.■• ii. by Adai-.u ....... 231

Andrews' Improved Ceirtrifiif t'. lbn p '.'■■ EokTavlngs).. 135

Andromeda, by ,1. Bell.........................______ 373

Angel in Centre-Piece, by Gr>;.us................... 504

Arnold's Uolary I'omp (,1 Km-, 'iitn.csl................ 135

Arehiieetural Medal, by IVlercr. of Bruges............ 300

Archangel Michael after overc"-en.: Sitin. by S;o|ihons 303

Alfadno, bv Kirk.................................... S

Arm Chair, by .Teanselmo............................ 217

Arms anil Shield, in the East leihan Department...... 344

Articles in Papier Macho, by Spier < and Son, of O.xford 213

Asmiustev Carpel, designed fc- W.a bor Ca-'.lo ....... 251

Bacchus Reclining, by Is'eurin' <l I'lorenco ............ 225

Baildeley's. Farmer's Firc-Englnc------................. 279

Banks's Twin Staircase................................ 335

Barrett, Exhall. and Andrew-- ■ ■ :' .':

Barren and Exhall's Steam-Engine................... 13

Bas-relief, in Carton Pierre, by Ilnrdoulo,............. 261

Bay of Uic French Department ..................___ 244

Bedroom Fisniiiure, by Trollo: iti.l Son......... ___ 103

Bedstead, by liojers and Dean....................... 33!

Bedstead, by iVilkiiiHon......................... 333

Bedstead (Slate', by l-'audel,in 1 r!.lll;p=. o-'cwgaiC'St .. 361

Bee Hives, by Neighbour.............................. 4I»

Belgian. Court...................._______............. 132

Bellhonse's Fireproof Doors for W.-.reVi:-; llohts ___ 1G7

Bessemer", f'osilrifir.'.-il Pump......................... 131

Biadell's Se'.i'.iv.'iilai.iiKGasBeiT.;:_______........... 15

Blake's C'cnlrifu;.'.: Pump............................ 134

Boy Willi Punchinello, by Sim >-i: ................... 133

Boy with Broken Dram, by Si.-.i-nis............... 133

Bracc'ct.hy BopilleKe and Co......................... 3GS

lira.;.' C.-mdoiahra. by Potts......................... 77

Brian Boroimhe's Harp................................ 329

Bronze ami Ormolu Candelabr. fr-jin Russia.......... 136

Broii7.e Fountain, by .labor. Jau-.c- ........... .... 300

Brunei* Lace, by A. Duonetim-, and Sons............ 112

Briskets l.ac:, by ltobyt, lirus-.h.................... 112

Brussels Lace, by D ulia son & Sous ...............____ 112

Building Court................___....... ....... no

Busby's Patent Prize Plough_________......'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'.'. 176



Cabinet, Rhart and Andrloux ........................

cabinet. Rosewood, Pctol ...........................

Cabinet, by Tannor......._________.................

Cabinet, White and Gold, Mr. Ingram, Birmingham ..

came, by Jcbolto ■,.........................____:___

Canadian Timber Trophy.............................

Caoadion Conit......

Candelabra. ... .............. ...... .....*.*'.'..... !

Candelabrum from Auilrla. . I

Candelabrum, by Wuhb.......

Candelabrum, Ac., Hnrccy and Co.".'. '.'.

Clirpel, As.Linger. de-limc I i'ji Windsor CasUo !

'.ii::.W- Dcnarl-neut ....................... ......... ;

Carved Ban'.i.-i.'.v, ]\,i,-.. by M-.tc.ccou and Cj "oxford "

•anc-i Cabinet ami (ila ;. Hnnf.ui and Sous. ____-..., j

C.ineH.'asketlri Walnut-nor,I. by lira;,.;;, of Tuscany '

'iricd'.'rovlcr Head, by Roson................ ;

'-."'I tlstti'.olo'aul Tabic, ,'i o.i S.-.ii/i-ihi.-|

Carved Frame, by Barbell!......................',",'

Carved Fimio, by Rogers.............................\

Cincd l-';a:n»i:; Jiox we'd, bv lte-jon . .

Carved I'inine.by lianolll.of Tuscany................ ;

Carted Ivory Tliruuc from India, exhibited by bor
Majesty ....................................;.....

C.i.k.H. Iv.-.iy. fioiu Denmark........................ 3

Cast Iron Ril-.isir.ilc. by Dalle; and Sons._____....... 1!

(Vl 1-..V, louiitilti. by .\nrin-. of Paris................ 1!

Centre-Piece— Sir Rr;crdo Covcrloy-byJ. Angcll . . !

Centre-Piece, In Motel.............. ... . . ]'

Centre Piece (,Sil»er-, bv H.i:,iai-jRoskell....... 2l

Cc:itrcoiec!>. by i::Ui vtons............................ i

Centre |.-e;e. by l.r.mbertand Hi.n-HogS,............... 3:

Cei'r piece. 1 y t-'romeuv Men rice.................... 31

(::.iiifn-r.'. I'liinp. by Qi.vri-.op KnKravingsi.......... V.

Gevlon Doportmcnt.............___..............___ H

Chair, by Jva:i<«lnu.<.......___.......—......... 7.

Chair (A-.ml .rcanxclm*.......................... B-

tlir.'.r. fiiitluc. Iron'. Sa\o Colmn;...................... 3l

Chandelier, by llatley and Son^...........-------------- 3!

Cl.a-iuYli,:. Cjr;ii\i.i . of l'hll'.ilclpblo............... 21

Chk'.incv-i'icccaui; V--3. In Ter.aColtft. from tho Iiady

Shore Works...................................... 1-

Chureb llfiial--. b> ,T. Wrlncr 14 i:r,i;in\l)iiB'l ----------- 3

Ci'-.o. eceidi> -leivel■er..-i-. dc'l.-nfrl by Ginnor ........ 3.

Clay Mo.lel.-of lJ::n:-i C-.-tet and Trades.............. H

Cloelt'CAso, de-lgucd by J. Deli, Manufactured by El-

kingten...............................--------------- i

lin;, I.erov:.:.! r=ons, Paris.......................... 2t

Clock, Mudiaivnl ______.......______............... 21

Clock. Mccbau:-ir. of ;V.' r.le-;'.r,e. by SbepbcrdB........ 31

Clock. Pendulum of the lllcclric .........-............ 31

dock -land (Ormolu) by Polls ........-............... 2;

Cloaks, by R, and J. Mooro.......................— 21

Clock', by l-'rol-ham ..........................------- 2;

Ch--:i;of Ib-Oi.vc I'A'ub lion Prince A1 bei; receiving

tbo Report' of ll-.e .Telle. Oel. 1Mb, 1A&1........104, It

Coile. ion of ladiar. JcvcX £e., Cibihile 1 by tbc East

India Company ......____...................... (

Coli.iiu ? lira.' li-.vrov. and Sc,v.ifiot.............----- J!

Colo-al H.iiar.an I.ion. *j; llalbic................... 11

Colo^jl Suaineol -.lie- tie. cr..t:i Zinc .................. 3

Coloul-bos, by Ac'iCnr.on............................ '

ColtS Rovolrors..........-..................-------- 3!

C->M'. Uir..:. NC.by lV.aiagnaami Casol'a............ 4T

Cotton Mnc'.iiner: ••■■ Me.-.rs. ihbbclt. Plait and Suna 7'J.'

Covcntri, ltibbjii l'aliern by l Jerry, from.............. 3i

Coverlet, Worked Muslin, C. Stobeli Wild, St. Gall,

SivlKorland ...................................... 3(

CroAiUs Hoot Wii-her............................ ... 3;

Cr>-!al Candelabra, by Osier......................... f

(.-..: d l'.il.i.c ---:. Wiiit: r O-.rduii - —.....- -.------- £(

(;ry..--d Vo inu.iu In tbo Traotept.................... J

C.iph! Sl.-.rpenio; I.I- Arrow. b> T.™'.p. •■'. Munich...... EC

Cnti-.'i. C";iu.e ol l'.n-ier M'.ebe. by J:.eV;fou.......... 24

Ci^.-b.-sCn.-. .!-a.-, by Greon....................... 3H

Ciii.,;lis-Cl.am!-r.«. byPorry........................ 41


llamas': Communion clotb. by Peglei" ................ JOT

Dtaue. Dray and Dcar.e\ Dam'stle Vlo.ir Mill ..... 12

lie In Rue's Euvolopo Machine ........................ 423

Dela Rue's Stall a*id la.velopc Machinery ............ 292

Diamond and Ruby Stou .-ulnr. by Motol.............. 273

Dicks Antifriction P:e--scs (2 Kngravlngs)............ 2T1

Dolls, by Mai la i r.c Muaiaoarl................... ...... 267

" Dorothea,' by Bell .----------------..............-----------,123

r. ....,., i . . .. ..'.... a . ■- i.i ..

nndBeltrldgo........I ...........-....... •• -■■ 2'!

Dvcj-j-HK-ca-).-. Ac., by Asproy ...................--.-. 2S4

DrinklucOup, by Jnhan Hollborg...................■ 85

DueuVs (Lord) Cultivator............................ JW

Dur.ln's 1-1\| v.eiir.-' I'^/i-e of a Man _____.........- • '8

Duplex Rudder ami S;ron' Propeller ---------.......... 433

DurTlo-l-nuor, or Sen. o£ Light................. ...... • C8

Duvellcroy's " Royal Fan"........................■••■ 246

i:nlheuiv:n. 1'nuil-iiu.'.; Uidcway and Co........... 1

;:.i-'. Ii:-;:-.'.i D.i>aiiir..;.i. .N n-tliorn Coui-t ........... 1

Ka.it Nao. I-V.rv.j;i ]\>:ittmant, lockltij frnm the
S.W. ofTransapt _____:................-.....130.1

Ebony Table inlaid ivilh Silver, Hancort (2 Bogrftvlogs) 1

Egyptian Plonsh and Swa Machine :•■ Soiv Seed .... ]

Gloetrlc reloEmplt, Comic, i.v ii. li. s- : ... I

[■IlccSric'l'eli-i-a^h. l'.,..-iand Hands of.......... ;

Blgin Flower Vaso................................... 4

Bli7.al...jl!ia!i llvaeliel in litv-Mvor.d, by RogOni'.'.*'.*''.".', 1
Ellenborough Testimonial, silver Ser .■ by Hunt and


Enamelled Gold Va e. by S;y:iir.ur and Sou...._______ ;

Encampment of "it G-.nrds at the Eastern End of tho

Esblbltlon\BuUding __________..........______

1 of Pianoforte, by Broadivood..................... ;

English Pillow lace, by 11 mil, Olr.ey, Bucks ........ 1

EnginoPitof WalbolleCalli.ryir.lln^ravlugs) .... 1*3,1
Erard's 'E'ianofoii--..:.,! Harps_____

nscan Vaso, Alaliaslcr. by Ohericl ............____ 1

Eve, by lie Bay............................._______ j

Eve, by Bell, In llleciro Hroiue. by Elkingtons........ !

Exhibition Voltaic Rauory____....................... i

E.xpnndingCircnlirTablo............................ '.

Fairbaim's Patent Riveting Machine................., 1

Fairy 1'.'II. The.......... .... 1

Faithful Messenger. Tl.c. ly Geet», of Antwerp______.

"" 10 Arts Court ___________...................

Five-bar relied Pistol, by Lofauehcux.............____ I

Flour '.mil......___.................................

Font.-,ne .1 The. bi liurand................. ......___ i

Foreign iNavr. lo;.-;l:.;: W^t—/.olive:etu and Belgian


FOMII'.-V.by 'ji, ,„:.,-,.........................______ ;

Fowl,: - 1 :r.:.„e-' M am: 1^ M11I ire P'.cueh........ , 5

""*(Mr.i. (.'■ li'.-.tic'.nr for 1L0 Crj?in! l'a'nce. Portrait of
FrciKb b!.r:i .,-,!.—Cn:i.uii:'.-ne . Arl-.iicial Flosers. '.

' iloof Paper Patten-., by Jcliiey anu Allon.....____

Frontlspicco, by Cruchet ____......................... i

"-- nitiiro, by Wobb .............................'......:


rett's Patent Hor^csliao ___.'.........—........ 1

fltaSlrenm ___ .. ___........------............. i

Girl Praying, by J. A. M'Doirnll, B.A......--------------- 3

Glass Bloiviru}................................----------

Glass Gsblct, by A. Boehm........----------------........

Goblet, by Coarad Knoll.................... .........

"odfroy do Bouillon, by M. Shr.onls..................

Gothic Rookeojo, presented to tho Qucoa by tho Empe-
ror of Austria.............-------------.............. ]

Qotbio Pioel, by Thomas____......-----------.......... ■

Gratltudo, hy Renwnl..............................

It Western Railway, lenkinc Wt~i ................ i

Greek Iluntsiiinii, The, hy J. Gibson.................

Greek Slave, by fllram Power ....................... i

Group of Bobomlau Glass . — —..... . .......■

Group of Bookj. by Hanieii. of Mccbllu-----............ '.

Group of Books, by Lelghton.................... ..... '■

Group of Chtua, from Bavaria ........................ J

Group of China, by Daniel....... -........ • ..... '

Groupof Diamond, .ac . by Hunt and Roskoll ........ 1

Group of Diamonds, (3 Engravings).. ......-------..... '

Group In Glass___....................................

Group of Glass, by Grcoa.............................. '

Group of Graces.................-.................... ^

Group of Jewels, V. HI 1. S: Petersburg ---------

Group of Objeets, of Ve.:n, by fertile nior............

Group Of-Ornamental China, by Million ......----------- J

Groupof Poveelnin. from Mi-scn, in S.wi......... 1

Group of Sculptured Vasos, from Malta............. -

Gruiili ol'Sevivs Porcelain ...........-......... ------ 1

Group of Silrer Plate, bv ltd.!........................ J

Croup of Siulk.i Cats, fro:si Wurteuiborg......

Grovip of Stalled Frogs, ..

tiuinliau Angel, by Vittoa...........■■.....■••• ----- -

" to ho loaded sv. llu lirceeli on I.etauchetlX's Plau.. 0