Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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AGD = Antiken Gemmen in deutschen Sammlungen

Alp, Karahoyuk = S. Alp, Zylinder- und Stempelsiegel aus Karahoyuk bei Konya (Ankara 1968)

AM = Ashmolean Museum inventory number

Aussenberg, Rings = L. Aussenberg, Minoan Gold Signet Rings and Related Clay Impressions,
M.A. thesis, Institute of Fine Arts, NYU 1973 (unpublished)

BICS = Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies

Biesantz, Siegelbilder = H. Biesantz, Kretisch-mykenische Siegelbilder (Marburg 1954)

Boardman, GGFR = J. Boardman, Greek Gems and Finger Rings (London 1970)

BM = British Museum inventory number

Budapest = Budapest Szermiivezeti Miizeum inventory number

CM = A. Xenaki-Sakellariou, "Les cachets minoens de la collection Giamalakis," Etudes cretoises
10 (1958)

CMS = Corpus der minoischen und mykenischen Siegel

CS = V. Kenna, Cretan Seals (Oxford 1960)

CretChron = Kpr\TiKa Xpovixa

Dresden = Staatliche Kunstsammlung, Albertinum, inventory number

Etcret = Etudes cretoises

Forschungen auf Kreta = F. Matz (ed.). Forschungen auf Kreta (Berlin 1951)

Furumark, MP = A. Furumark, The Mycenaean Pottery (Stockholm 1939)

Grohmann, Siidarabian = A. Grohmann, Siidarabian als Wirtschaftsgebiet (Vienna 1922)

Haviland, Seals = D. Haviland, The Early Group of Cretan Seals PhD dissertation, Bryn Mawr
1964 (University Microfilms 66-12,804)

HM = Heraklion Museum inventory number

HM Metal = Heraklion Museum inventory books for metal objects

HM Precious Metal = Inventory book for precious metal

Hood, Minoans = S. Hood, The Minoans (London 1971)

Knossos = numbers referring to seal impressions from Knossos. M. Gill, BSA 60 (1965) 58-98

Copenhagen NM = National Museum Copenhagen inventory number

Leyden = Rijksmuseum van Oudheden

Lucas, AEMI = A. Lucas, Ancient Egyptian Materials and Industries (London 1962)

Marburg Symposium 1 = F. Matz (ed.)> Die kretisch-mykenische Glyptik und ihre gegenwartigen
Probleme (Boppard 1974)

Marburg Symposium 2 = 1. Pini (ed.), Die minoische und helladische Glyptik, Probleme der Chron-
ologic, der Typologie, des Stils und der Echtheit (in press)

Matz, FKS = F. Matz, Die friihkretischen Siegel (Berlin 1928)

MMA = Metropolitan Museum of Art inventory number

Pendlebury, Arch = J. Pendlebury, The Archaeology of Crete (London 1939)

Pepragmena 2 = Ueirpayneva tov B' Aiedvoix KperoXoyiKOv Zvvebptov (Athens 1968)

Pepregmena 3 = Ueitpayneva etc. (Athens 1973)