Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Besant, Annie; Leadbeater, Charles W.
Thought-Forms — London, 1905

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resplendent radiance over all the country round. Yet
in each of these masses of colour other colours are
constantly flickering, as they do over the surface of
molten metal, so that the coruscations and scintillations
of these wondrous astral edifices are far beyond the
power of any physical words to describe.

A striking feature in this form is the radical difference
between the two types of music which occur in it, one
producing the angular rocky masses, and the other the
rounded billowy clouds which lie between them. Other
motifs are shown by the broad bands of blue and
rose and green which appear at the base of the bell,
and the meandering lines of white and yellow which
quiver across them are probably produced by a rippling
arpeggio accompaniment.

In these three Plates only the form created directly
by the sound-vibrations has been drawn, though as seen
by the clairvoyant it is usually surrounded by many other
minor forms, the result of the personal feelings of the
performer or of the emotions aroused among the audience
by the music. To recapitulate briefly: in Plate M
we have a small and comparatively simple form pour-
trayed in considerable detail, something of the effect of
each note being given; in Plate G we have a more
elaborate form of very different character delineated
with less detail, since no attempt is made to render the
separate notes, but only to show how each chord expresses
itself in form and colour; in Plate W we have a'still
greater and richer form, in the depiction of which all
detail is avoided, in order that the full effect of the piece
as a whole may be approximately given.

Naturally every sound makes its impression upon
