Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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over their shoulders ; the first has a long staff in 1. hand and looks back at
the second, who plays the double flute ; the third has a torch in 1. hand and
looks back at the fourth, extending r. hand to him, at which he looks up.

F 2. BELL-CRATER. Ht. i6| in. Diam. isf in. Rhodes, 1890. Presented by Sir Henry

Layard, G.C.B. Designs red on black ground ; coarse, and much worn. Above the designs,
laurel-wreath ; below, maeander ; under each handle, a palmettc.

(a) Symposion: On the 1. are two youths reclining on a couch, turned
to the front and looking to r., with drapery over lower limbs, and 1. arms resting
on pillows ; the one on the 1. has r. hand raised, the other, r. hand extended.
On the r. are two similar youths reclining to 1. ; before each couch is a tabic,
and above are three bunches of grapes. Between the couches is a female figure
to r., with hair gathered in an opisthosplietidone, and loose embroidered chiton,
hands extended.

(b) In the centre is an ephebos to r. wrapped in a himation ; on either side,
turned towards him, is an ephebos with himation over 1. shoulder, holding a ball
in r. hand ; before the one on the r. is a pihialc (?).

F 3. FRAGMENT of bell-crater. 8-J x 5 in. Rhodes, 1856. Design red and white on black


Toilet-scene : In the centre is seen the top of a large white laver, on the 1.
side of which is a female figure seated to 1., looking to r., with hair tied in a
bunch, radiated ampj'x, necklace, bracelets ; lower part lost. On the other side
of the laver is a nude female figure to the front looking to 1., as the last (ear-
rings, bracelet on 1. arm), 1. hand raised, r. resting on the laver; beyond her
is part of a draped female figure with r. hand extended. Over the laver Eros
hovers to r., with flesh painted white with yellow markings, radiated fillet, and
bracelet on 1. arm ; in r. hand he holds out a white string, in 1. a string of
yellow beads. On the 1. is part of a female figure to r., with necklace, bracelets,
long girt chiton and bordered diploidiou embroidered on the breast; she holds
up a chequered pyxis with open lid in 1. hand.

p 4. BELL-CRATER. Old No. 1314. Ht. 13 in. Diam. 13 in. From Telos. Payne

Knight Coll. Knapp, Nike in d. Vasenm., p. 63. Designs red on black ground, with white
accessories. Above the designs, laurel-wreath ; below, maeander and chequer-pattern ; round
the ends of the handles, egg-moulding ; below them, palmettes.

(a) In the centre is Dionysos seated to r., beardless, with long curls, wreath,
thyrsos in 1. hand, on the rock beneath him a white himation ; he looks back at
Ariadne, who stands to r., with hair in bunch at back, radiated mnpyx, long
embroidered chiton with broad stripe down the front and border of wave-pattern
and rays. Behind her is a Satyr advancing to r., with r. hand raised to back of
head. Before Dionysos is another Satyr stooping forward, with r. hand on
Dionysos' shoulder, and 1. extended ; both Satyrs wear wreaths. Behind the
last Satyr is a Maenad to r. looking back, with radiated anipyx, earrings,