Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 6.1965

DOI issue:
No. 4
DOI article:
Brandys, Henryk: Two Egyptian statuettes of the period of the Middle Kingdom in the National Museum in Warsaw
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Statuętte of a standing man, view of the 5. Statuette of a standing man, Warsaw, Mu-
side, Warsaw, Muzeum Narodowe zeum Narodowe

example. Both these statuettes have no engraved inscriptions on tlie parts preseryed. Com-
paring them to each other we may assume that they were following the same sculptural model
and, perhaps, were executed in the same workshop. It seems, however, that our statuette was
made earlier and a difference up to 50 years between the two seems quite possible. Comparing
our statuette with the other disscussed above works we may assume that it was not carved
earlier than about 1850 b.Chr., that is at the time of Amun-em-het III, and not later than
about 1750, that is during the reign of the first soyereigns of the XIIIth Dynasty.

The similar position of the hands and legs, the statics of the body, the cut of the garment and
other details in all statuettes of this type confirm that the provincial workshops of the Upper
Egypt at the time of the Middle Kingdom used to follow sculpture models, coming, most
possibly, from the palące workshop in Thebes. The individuality of the provinciaI ar-
tists was limited by such models on the one hand and by the rules of binding canon on the other.
