Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 6.1965

DOI Heft:
No. 4
DOI Artikel:
Ratkowska, Paulina: An East Christian diptych with the Heortological Cycle
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is only an introductory endeavour to deal with the problems. The materiał of comparlson,
available to the author, was too incomplete to allow for any definitive conclusions.

The elongated rectangular wings of the diptych crowned with semicircular tympana are
of 22,4 cm height, 9,7 cm width. The diameter of the tympan is 7,9 cm; depth of the placjues
at the edges — 0,9—0,6 cm. The plaąues weight 160 g (Jeft), 120 g (right).

The cream-colored cracked surfaces of the obverses are stained with rusty rings around the
screws. On the yellowish reverses abrasions of patina introduce pale grey and creamy shades.
The spots of rust are here even more deplorable. A greenish tinge around the holes at the top
of each plaque furnishes evidence of an old supplying of the diptych with copper rings for
suspension2. A similar greenish shade is discernible at the hole in thickness of ivory in the middle
of the right wing. Since the hole has its counterpart in the left wing, one should suppose that
here a copper staple was placed in the same time as the rings3. The removal of the hinges
and the screwing of the screws, and, especially, the subsecraent tearing of the plarrues away
from the background caused some losses not very extensive but grievous as far as the text
of the right obverse is concerned. Howevcr, apart irom these destructions — caused in part
by later users4, — to which it must be added the breaking off and the rubbing of the exterior
longer edges5 as well as unsignificant losses of the relief, the sculptural decoration of the pla-
craes is preserved in a remarkable good condition, allowing for high appreciation of the skill of
the carver and his minuteness in the realization of the iconographical program.

When open, the diptych showed fourteen holy events covering the period from the Annun-
ciation to the Ascension of Christ. The scenes are represented in the tympana and in twelye
elongated compartments resulting from a uniform diyision of each wing with three cleats, con-
nected at the axis of the plaque with an interrupted perpendicular band of pearl-bead orna-
ment. The images find their explanation in the inscriptions engraved on the cleats and in the
background of the left tympan. The cycle is to be read from the left to the right in each row
and the rows from top to bottom. It is composed of the following subjects: the Annunciation,
the Nathdty, the Meeting with Symeon, the Baptism, the Transfiguration, the Entry to Je-
rusalem, the Raising of Lazarus, the Last Supper, the Crucifixion, Two Marys at the Se-
pulchre, the Harrowing of Heli, the Doubting of Thomas, the Ascension, ths Mesopentecost
(Mediante die Festo.)

The representations are carved in high relief, freouently deeply undercut, against the neutral
background (apart from the Baptism and the Doubiing scenę, in which water of Jordan and
the „closed door" respectively were iconographically necded). The carver suggested the inte-
riors by richly decorated architectural crownings: semicircular twin or triple (the Mesopente-
cost) spaceless arcades, resting on the plain entablature or on the „flying" capitals, adorncd
with pearl-bead ornament and joined with the double rod. Lunettes of the arcades are filled
with palmettes or romboidal grillage. The motL" of a regularly undulated strand adorns the
archivaults. Spandrcls are sheltered with acanthus leaves. growing down from the upper cleat.

2. They could bc similar to those in the Chambćry diptych, discussed below, fig. 28.

3. In the hole of the right wing a smali piece of fabric was found, that seems to testify to the application of a prac-
tice, advised by Theophilus in Diuersarum Arlium Schedula, sec W. Theobald, ed., Technik des Kunslhandwerks im zchn-
ten Jahrhundert. Des Theophilus Presbyler Diversarum Arlium Schedula, Berlin, 1933, Liber Tertius, Caput XCI, p. 170.
Examination by Mr.P.Kudniewski indieates the fabric is woven of vcgetable filaments, most probably, of flax.
For character of the structure see fig. 40. I thauk Dr. H. Jędrzejewska for the macrophotographs.

4. However, two boles in the left wing werc once stopped with carefully fit bonę pług, giving evidence to a ,,con5 ervato-
ry" attempt.

5. May be, for to make them suitable for a frame, sucb as the one mentioned by N.P. Kondakov, Pamialniki khristian*
skogo isskuslcu na Afonie, St Petersburg, 1902, p. 2(2 —?, pl. XLVII.
