Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 12.1971

DOI Heft:
Nr. 1-2
DOI Artikel:
Dobrzeniecki, Tadeusz: Imago Pietatis: its meaning and function
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14. Eucharistic Christ, Matricola delia scuola del Corpore,
London, British Museum, Add. 17047, fol. lv (after Schiller)

On the Northern wali of the chancel in Parish church at Okoniu (district Bydgoszcz) there is a
rectangular niche which formerly comprised a tabernacle. A mural above the niche shows
Christ in half figurę but the sarcophagus is lackirig to make an impression of Jesus standing
in the real tabernacle — this novum sepulchrum Christi viventis.al

A miniaturę of the Gospel book from Metten, dated 1414,82 represents the Elevation of Host
during which Christ is standing upon the altar holding a scroll with text of the Consecration:
HOC EST ENIM CORPUS MEUM. His bleeding feet touch the chalice with the Host to signify
that the Transubstantiation is already accomplished.83 The mystery of the Transubstantiation
was the subject of another representational typc, popular in Late Gothic period, — that of
the Mass of St Gregory.84 In it the already accomplished Transubstantiation is testified by
Christ's presence on the altar: both formulas of the Imago Pietatis were used to depict Jesus
