Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg

Bulletin du Musée National de Varsovie — 16.1975

DOI Heft:
Nr. 3
DOI Artikel:
Ratkowska, Paulina: A wooden relief of the XIVth century with the Royal Feast and "Navarre-France" coat of arms
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second wife Mary of Luxembourg had given him a daughter, his third wife Jeanne d'Evreux
after his tragic death also bore a daughter. In such mournful situation Philippe VI de Valois, the
successor of Charles IV Le Bel, was elected, who — as was mentioned above — simultaneously
resigned from the Kingdom of Navarre41. So, the "Navarre-France" coat of arms on the Warsaw
relief may be associated in our opinion only with the person of Charles IV Le Bel and his Queens.
To the connection of the relief with the Royal Court the extremely high artistic value may
bring evidence12. Thanks to its formal refinement and virtuosity of carving it surpasses all
known to us works of secular wooden sculpture of this period, leaving no doub t as to the execution
of the Warsaw relief in Ile-de-France.

Two preserved manuscripts connected with the person of Jeanne de France, namely, the
Prayerbook with the miniatures by Pucelle and the Breviary of ca 1325—1328 (both with the
representations of this Queen) as well as the golden statue of the Virgin offered by her to the
Abbey of St Denis, dated 1336, are masterpieces of the French art of the XlVth century43.
It is not wholly excluded that the Warsaw relief represents an event of Jeanne's life, comme-
morating with the sharp realism the visage of the King of France. Jeanne herself died in 1371
and this date should be recognized as terminus ad quern for the execution of the Warsaw carving.

41. E. Perroy, R. Doucct, A. Latreille, Histoire de la France pour tous les François, I, Warszawa, 1969 with the preface
by A. Gieysztor, p. 193.

42. Another important example of the French wooden sculpture hi the National Museum in Warsaw is the XlVth century
Virgin with the Infant Christ, Inv. Med. 136, see our. fig. 16.

43. For Jeanne's foundations see J.J. Rorimer, The Hours of Jeanne d'Evreux at the Cloisters, The Metropolitan Museum of
Art, New York, 1957, J. Evans, op. cit.; Treasures from Mediaeval France, op. cit., p. 189 sq.

16. The Virgin with the Child, France, Ilnd half
of the XlVth century, Warsaw, Muzeum

