Maria Skubiszewska
The National Museum in Warsaw acquired in 1973 two Renaissance Italian tondi with Arch-
angel Gabriel and the Virgin Mary; they constitute a pair and represent ihe Annunciation
scene. A moulded and gilt frame of each tondo was carved in one piece of wood together with
the panel. The name Mariotto Albertinelli is written on the reverse side of each picture ; this
script can he dated to the XlXth century (fig. 1, 2)1.
A closer look at the Warsaw panels does not confirm this old attribution. Another Early
Cinquecento painter, however, should be credited with these pictures, namely Franciabigio.
1. Acquired from a private collection in Warsaw. Angel, inv. no. 3898 /Tc/ 73, panel, 51,5 cm diameter; Virgin Mary, inv.
no. 3776/Tc/73, panel 51,5 cm diameter. Restored in 1945 by Professor B. Marconi and c. 1970 by P. Komorowski.
1. Franciabigio, Archangel Gabriel, Muzeum Narodowe, Warsaw
The National Museum in Warsaw acquired in 1973 two Renaissance Italian tondi with Arch-
angel Gabriel and the Virgin Mary; they constitute a pair and represent ihe Annunciation
scene. A moulded and gilt frame of each tondo was carved in one piece of wood together with
the panel. The name Mariotto Albertinelli is written on the reverse side of each picture ; this
script can he dated to the XlXth century (fig. 1, 2)1.
A closer look at the Warsaw panels does not confirm this old attribution. Another Early
Cinquecento painter, however, should be credited with these pictures, namely Franciabigio.
1. Acquired from a private collection in Warsaw. Angel, inv. no. 3898 /Tc/ 73, panel, 51,5 cm diameter; Virgin Mary, inv.
no. 3776/Tc/73, panel 51,5 cm diameter. Restored in 1945 by Professor B. Marconi and c. 1970 by P. Komorowski.
1. Franciabigio, Archangel Gabriel, Muzeum Narodowe, Warsaw