Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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hunched, the head mounted on a thick, short neck is strongly protuding. Similarly thick and
short, somewhat shapeless arms are keeping an unidentified object close to the chest. The mouth
is flattened, slightly open and protruding. Above the mouth there are hollows of nostrils. The
applied eyes are round with holes representing pupils. Above the eyes the eyebrows were plastically
marked. On the forehead there are two diagonal cuts. Small ears are on both sides of the head.
Deep engravings mark the spaces between feet and hands fingers. This relic is dated to the

2. An image of monkey5 its place of finding unknown, (fig. 10, exc. inv. No. IS-25-1961,
height 0,010 m) shows a monkey standing on widely spread legs and leaning on its tail (the left
leg entirely destroyed, the right one partially). Between the legs there are slightly damaged male
sexual attributes. The body is smoothly modelled but the surface is deteriorated. The arms
with outsticking elbows are clasped under the chin. The head with marked holes of the mouth
and nostrils has applied eyes with the holes of pupils. This object is dated to the I century
B.C. — A.D. 100.

3. A relic from Sari Dheri, published" (fig. 8, exc. inv. No. IM-189-1937, height 0,070 m),
represents the upper part of a monkey torso with the left arm and the head mounted on a thick,
straight neck. The torso is smoothly modelled. The arm is bent in elbow and the fingers touch
the left cheek. The mouth is flat with a cut marking a hole. The nostrils holes are deeply engraved,
the round, applied eyes have holes for pupils. Above the eyes there are plastically arched eye-
brows whereas on the head there are four vertical, deep cuts. Small outsticking ears are on both
sides of the head. This relic is dated to the beginning of the I century with the reservation that
it may have come from a little earlier period7.

5. As above

6. D. H. Gordon, "Some terracottas from Sari Dheri North-West Frontier Provinces", Journal i>f the Royal Anthropological
Institute of Great Britain and Ireland (JRAI), LXII, 1932, p. 170, pl. XII, 2.

7. Gordon's reservation, as above, p. 170.

3. 4. 5. 6. Heads of monkeys, fragments of figures, London, Victoria and Albeit Museum

(phot, by the author)
