Universitätsbibliothek HeidelbergUniversitätsbibliothek Heidelberg
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25. Jan de Baen (?), Portrait of a Woman against a Park background, Muzeum. Narodowe,


picture in the manner of painting in the parts of the neck, the hands and the landscape,
with a more graphic, however, handing of the modelling (see: the files of the MNW).
Accoiding to A. Dobrzycka this portrait is close to some of Nason's works from the sixties,
especially to the Portrait of a Lady from the Perponcher family but also shows common
traits with some portraits by A. Hanneman and J. Mijtens2.

h) Despite a close formal similarity with some of Nason's works, one cannot accept his author-
ship in this case. The dynamie and occasionally painterly style in spite of a "hardness" of
forms indicates rather a Jan de Baen or some other artist from his milieu. The colours, cold
with bluish shadows in compltxion, intensive in parts of the red gown and strikingly blue
in parts of the sky do not have much in common with Nason's colour rangę. The date staya
within the limits of the seventies of the 17th c.

i) 1. Portret holenderski, 1956, no. 68, ill.; 2. Cat. MNW, no. 875, iU.

No 15 Portrait of Dorothea von Hollstein (1638—1689)? (fig. 26)

a) o.c. 47x39 cm.; MMO, inv. no. 119

b) not signed; inscription on the back: "ein Unbekander Pfiirstin"

c) from the coli. Dohna-Schlodien in Gładysze

d) restored several times; partly overcleaned

e) unknown

f) unknown

g) According to K. Wróblewska who identified the portrayed person1, the picture was painted
in the seventies of the 17th c. and shows typical features for female representations executed
by Nason in his late period. The particularly characteristic drawing of the hand reminds
